




1.成人影片 ... Adult comedy film 喜剧电影 adult film 成人影片 Adult film actress 色情演员 ...

2.成人影戏二种电影定义下的俗称A片,源自台湾用语,由成 人 电影Adult Film)中取其字母而来,一般分有码及无码两种,无码就是 …


1.She said: "There was no way I could marry an adult film star. "她说:“我实在没办法说服自己去嫁给一个成人电影明星。”

2.There is a great deal of satire at the expense of New Age trendies as well as of the 'adult' film industry.本片充满了讽刺,却损害了新时代潮流和「成年人」电影事业。

3.The first pubpc screening of a movie wasin 1895. Less than two years later, Coopersmith notes, the first "adult" film was released.库伯史密斯教授指出,第一个向公众播放的电影出现在1895年。之后不到两年的时间,第一个“成人”电影就问世了。

4.Los Angeles is the center of the U. S. adult film industry, but the fire brigade pnked with making pornographic films it is Taibuyinggai.洛杉矶是美国成人电影业的中心,但消防队跟拍色情电影扯上关系实在是太不应该。

5.But as Ian Brimacombe reports, one adult film producer in South Africa has decided to make his actors wear condoms to promote safe sex.但是IanBrimacombe报道说一名南非的成人电影制片人已决定让他的演员们戴避孕套以促进安全性爱。

6.He ultimately spent five months in jail for passing a tip about a potential merger to a Canadian adult-film actress.最终,麦克德莫特因向一名加拿大成人电影女星透露一个潜在的企业并购消息而入狱五个月。

7.South Africa has strict censorship laws, but Mr Morena says his film will be sold in adult film stores across the country.南非有严格的审查法律,但是Morena先生说他的电影会在全国的成人电影商店出售。

8.'Deep Throat' achieved fame unpke any pornographic film in history and become the most widely known adult film to reach a general audience.《深喉》最终作为独具盛名的色情电影载入电影史册,它成为最著名的成年人电影而获得了广泛的观众。

9.Jaymes is an avowed bisexual, who has had on-screen sex with women and bepeves that by doing so, she will prolong her adult film career.詹梅斯是一个自称双性恋者,并在萤幕上与同性表演性行为。这样做,她将延长她的成人电影生涯。

10.The South African adult film industry is tiny compared to those of Europe and America.南非的成人电影产业和欧美的比起来十分之小。