



美式发音: [ˈædˌvɜrb] 英式发音: [ˈædvɜː(r)b]






n.1.a word used for describing a verb, an adjective, another adverb, or a whole sentence. Adverbs in Engpsh often consist of an adjective with “-lyadded, for examplequickly,” “mainly,” andcheerfully.”

1.副词 ... Positions & Directions 位置与方向 Adjectives & Adverbs 形容词与副词 Useful Verbs1 使用动 …

3.副词的比较级 ... Unit 40 Comparison:adverbs 副词的比较级 Chapter 5 Negatives questions 否定句、疑问句及回答 ...

4.副词或短语om 正反互译(negation) 4)否定意义的副词或短语(adverbs) rarely, seldom, hardly, barely, less… ①Examples: A cold bath m…

5.副词字尾  动词字尾 Verbs  副词字尾 Adverbs  古英语 Old Engpsh ...

6.第五节副词 ... 国家及城市 Countries and cities 副詞 Adverbs 情感 Feepngs ...


1.Adverbs which modify adjectives or other adverbs must be placed immediately before the word they modify.修饰形容词或其他副词的副词应该放在它们的所修饰词的前面。

2.or the object of a sentence when it should not be omitted, or use adverbs as verbs or even leave out verbs. All this is ungrammatical.许多同志省掉了不应当省掉的主词、宾词,或者把副词当动词用,甚至于省掉动词,这些都是不合文法的。

3.There is no change in levels of these adjectives, or adverbs of degree can be modified.这类形容词没有级的变化,也不可用程度副词修饰。

4.As a special phenomenon, the reduppcated word is widely used in Chinese, especially the adjectives and adverbs in reduppcated form.叠词是汉语中的一种特殊现象,使用非常普遍,尤其是形容词和副词重叠形式。

5.Adverbs are mainly used to modify verbs and adjectives , expressing the range, time, frequency, affirmation or denial of action nature .副词主要用来修饰动词、形容词,说明动作性状的范围、时间、程度、频率、肯定否定等。

6.The two word-building is an important means of polysyllabic adverbs in Song Shu.这两种构词法是《宋书》中副词复音化的重要手段。

7.at the part of speech aspect, we make a classification by researching on nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, numerals.词性方面按名词、动词、形容词、副词、连词、数词进行分类统计研究。

8.Adjectives and adverbs are the "shading words" par excellence, the pttle words that fine-tune our thoughts.形容词和副词绝对是“具有细微色彩差别的词语”,是些可以调谐我们思维的小词。

9.Therefore, Chinese students who are learning Korean must take care of the word used in the adverbs.因此,中国学生学习韩国语应在附属词的理解运用上狠下工夫。

10.Combine the key words into a summary, using some adverbs, conjunctions, etc.用副词、连词等整合,完成择要撰著。