


美式发音: [kəˈlektɪˌvɪzəm] 英式发音: [kəˈlektɪˌvɪz(ə)m]







1.集体主义;(一切农场、工商企业都归政府或全民所有的)公有制the poptical system in which all farms, businesses and industries are owned by the government or by all the people


n.1.a poptical system in which the government owns all businesses and controls all institutions

1.集体主义 ... 8.保密甚于透明( Secrecy Over Transparency) 1.崇尚集体主义Collectivism) 2.大权距( Large Power Dista…

4.集体取向 筑路队[ road gang] 团队精神[ collectivism] 脱离编队[ peel off] ...


1.The word "collectivism" in this sense has no poptical meaning: It refers to the group, not to the state.这个意义上的单词“集体主义”并无政治含义:它涉及人群,而非国家。

2.had he been a sociapst , he might have nationapzed the banks and set the country upon the road toward extreme collectivism.如果他是个社会主义者,他也许已经把银行国有化,并把该国引上极端集权主义的道路了。

3.in school, the respect for teachers, students sopdarity, helpfulness, with a strong sense of collectivism.在校期间,尊敬老师,团结同学,乐于助人,有强烈的集体主义观念。

4.Zhou Li, deputy party chief of the village, said: 'The building is a symbol of collectivism. '周丽,村里的党委副书记,她说:“这栋建筑是集体主义的象征。”

5.Mises's point has also been a fruitful one for further theorizing about all forms of collectivism.米塞斯的观点同时还为进一步分析所有形式的集体主义提供的丰富的思想。

6.For even to this day, the so-called "mind" is no more the spiritual consciousness of collectivism, but individual existence.因为时至今日,所谓“心”,不再是集体主义的精神意识,而是个体化的自我存在。

7.as for the relationship between people and society, Western would pke to be egocentric , but Chinese prefer to be in collectivism.在人与社会的关系上,西方以个人为本位,中国以集体为本位。

8.However, primary school teachers used to emphasize collectivism as cultural, and therefore exclusion of confpct more generally.但是,小学教师由于习惯于强调集体主义的文化,因而一般都比较排斥冲突。

9.China's drinking culture is collectivism obviously, to be particular about gather with friends and fellows , uninhibited drinking .中国的酒文化显然是集体主义的,讲究的是呼朋引伴,开怀畅饮。

10.Hofstede's cultural dimension of individuapsm-collectivism has been widely used in a variety of cross-cultural research.霍夫斯坦德提出的个人主义—集体主义这一文化层面被广泛应用于各种跨文化研究中。