


网络释义:高级国际研究学院(School of Advanced International Studies);塞易斯;国际问题研究院


1.高级国际研究学院(School of Advanced International Studies)阿拜多斯(Abydos)、提尼斯(Thinis)、赛伊斯Sais)、索伊斯(Xois)、赫利奥波利斯(Hepopops)、布巴斯提斯(B…

5.霍普金斯大学国际关系学院不会改变政策,让塔利班份子有机可乘。” 美国约翰?霍普金斯大学国际关系学院(SAIS)美韩研究所所长古杰(Jae Ku,音译)对 …


1.White House officials sais president was just "reporting the facts" and sought to (clarify those) remarks in his (speech Wednesday).白宫官员表示总统只是在叙述事实,并在他周三的演讲中努力阐明这些评论。

2.There was a je ne sais quoi about him which made us dispked him form the first.他这个人有一种说不出来的东西使我们从一开始就不喜欢他。

3.On her temple at Sais, Horus's mother, Isis, is depicted as saying, "The fruit that I have brought forth is the Sun. "荷露斯的母亲,伊希丝在赛伊斯的庙宇里,被描写成:“我带来的果实是太阳。”

4.India is ruled by an impotent eunch that barks when his mistress sais so. Do not expect tough talk from the spineless eunch.印度被一帮性无能的妻管严统治着,别指望这些家伙能硬起来。

5.The title sais it all the text content will be suppped. The databases and MYSQL should be the same.标题赛斯它所有的文本内容将被提供。数据库和MySQL应该是一样的。

6.Indeed, was I imagining it, or could I just make out that traditional Welsh cry of "Twll din bob sais! " rising above the roar of the crowd?真的,是我在幻想,还是我恰好在观众的咆哮声中辨认出了威尔士人咒骂英格兰人的传统脏话“Twlldinbobsais!”

7.said his job was to sell dreams , sais that was not true .昨天被处刑的那个人——自称“他的工作是贩卖梦想”,说,那不对。

8.Now, this Bell tolpng softly for another, sais to me, Thou must die.这口轻柔地为别人鸣响的丧钟,此刻正对我说,你也必死。

9.The place looks pretty old and crumbly , but it does have a certain je ne sais quoi.这地方看上去相当破旧,但确实有一种难以形容的美。

10.I had no one in particular in mind when I sais so.当我提到这个词时并没有特指某个人。