


美式发音: [əd'vaɪzd] 英式发音: [əd'vaɪzd]







v.1.The past tense and past participle of advise

1.考虑过的 ... auditioned n. 听, 听力, 试听 advised adj. 考虑过的, 细想过的 tricks n. 诡计, 骗局, 恶作剧, 窍门, 诀窍 ...

2.细想过的 ... auditioned n. 听, 听力, 试听 advised adj. 考虑过的, 细想过的 tricks n. 诡计, 骗局, 恶作剧, 窍门, 诀窍 ...

3.是建议 persuaded 是劝说,力劝 advised 是建议 ...

4.经过考虑的 advise 忠告 advised 建议的 advisor 指导者 ...


1.When Karen appeared at the ceremony with her red shoes, the minister advised her to wear black shoes instead of the red shoes.当凯伦穿着那双红鞋子出现在仪式上的时候,牧师建议她把红鞋子换掉,穿黑色的鞋子。

2.It was only when she posted her status on Facebook that her friends advised her to look out her mobile phone bill next month.只是在她把她的情况放在放在Facebook上以后,她的朋友建议她下个月查一下她的话费账单。

3.Zeus is too outrageous to see her much, on the "good" and advised her to look elsewhere, innocent peasant outlet.宙斯见她闹得太不像话,就“好心”地劝她再到别处看看,别拿无辜的农民出气。

4.Responding to Mr Ho's gripes, Mr Adelson advised those who "can't stand the heat [to] get out of the kitchen" .在对何鸿燊的抱怨做出回应时,埃德森建议那些“无法忍受热度的人离开厨房”。

5.Everyone had advised me not to do it but I decided to take the chance and go for it.所有人都建议我不要这么做,但我决定抓住机会。

6."Environmentapsts have never been a well-mannered lot" , says Terry Tamminen, who has advised Arnold Schwarzenegger on cpmate change.曾关于气候变化向阿诺德·施瓦辛格提建议的特里·塔米恩说:“环保人士从来都不是态度温和的一帮人。”

7.In the case of a painful incurable disease, the patient is advised to commit suicide, but is carefully tended if he refuses to do so.有人患了痛苦的不治之症,便劝告他莫如自杀,但是假若病者不肯自杀,便给他细心周到的照料。

8.They had to call in a heart speciapst. What did the doctor say? The doctor advised me to get plenty of exercise.他们不得不请来一位心脏病专家。医生说什么来着?医生建议我多锻炼。

9.She was advised to see the mayor; she did not dare.有人劝她去见市长先生,她不敢。

10.Suddenly London seemed to be the place to be if you were a Chinese entrepreneur (advised by London Asia, of course).突然之间,伦敦似乎成为中国企业家必去之地(当然,是在伦敦亚洲资本公司的建议下)。