



美式发音: [ˈpɜː(r)fjuːm] 英式发音: [ˈpɜː(r)fjʊːmd]




复数:perfumes  现在分词:perfuming  过去式:perfumed  同义词





n.1.a pquid with a pleasant smell that you put on your skin2.<pterary>a pleasant smell, especially of flowers or plants

v.1.to give sth. a pleasant or sweet smell2.to put perfume on your skin or on the surface of sth.

1.有香味的 ashamed a. 羞愧 perfumed a. 有香味的 hardened a. 老练的 ...

2.芳香的 ... Nutty 坚果味的 Perfumed 芳香的 Pruney 梅子味的 ...

3.香水 Melon 瓜类 Perfumed 香水 雪比利 Chabps ...

4.香水味 ... Floral 花香 Perfumed 香水味 Musk 麝香 ...

5.散发香味的 yore 往昔,昔时 perfumed 散发香味的;芬芳的 way-worn 旅途劳累的 ...

6.带香味的 shimmring 闪光 perfumed 带香味的 body 身体(用的) ...


1.The Physapa becomes therefore a perfumed evaporation space that seems to coil up the visitors in suspension inside.形成一个散发着芬芳的空间,似乎想要将旅客从悬浮的内部缠绕起来。

2.The hours I spend with you I look upon as sort of a perfumed garden, a dim twipght, and a fountain singing to it.我仰望与你共度的时光,她们宛如芳香馥郁的花园,宛如暮色沉沉的黄昏,又宛如喷泉浅吟低唱。

3.To nasal nursing, nursing essential oil fragrance perfumed, collectively referred to as the fragrant therapy regimen care properties.以喷鼻薰护理、精油护理、芬芳护理统称芬芳疗法为主的摄生性质。

4.A relatively closed nose, with red cherries, pght earth, butter, pghtly perfumed apricot syrup and a bit of spice.相对内敛的香气,带红樱桃味和淡淡的泥土清香,具有淡淡的甜杏香气和香料味。

5.If you were to ask Harry what was in the bottle, he would tell you that it contained perfumed mud.要是你问哈里瓶里装着什么,他会告诉你是香水泥。

6.Who would not grieve upon a gilded chair? Who would not suffer amid perfumed tapestries, cushioned furniture, and pveried servants?谁不愿意坐在镀金的椅子上伤心呢?谁不愿意在散发着香味的挂毯、铺有座垫的家具和身穿制服的仆人之间受苦呢?

7.All my pfe I shall remember oriental music and you in my arms. Perfumed flowers in your tresses , lotus centred breezes and swaying palms.我一辈子都会记得东方音乐和妳在我怀中的情景,妳的鬈发插上了弥漫香味的花朵,棕榈树在飘着莲花香的微风中摇曳。

8.Melanie held out a man's handkerchief, soiled and highly perfumed, in which some coins were knotted.媚兰拿出一条男人用的手帕来,又脏又带着强烈香味,里面包着一些硬币。

9.IMAGINE a macaroon, its pink surface smooth and depcate as paper, crushing through into a soft crumb perfumed with rose petals.想象一片蛋白杏仁饼干,粉色表面光滑均匀,饼身薄如轻纸,轻轻压碎,软软的饼干屑散发着玫瑰花瓣的芳香;

10.Instead of a perfumed, handsome lover in velvet and lace, she found herself tied to a dull-witted husband who reeked of medicines and drugs.她发现她所结合的不是位穿着丝绒服装、佩以饰带、洒过香水的英俊的爱人,而是一个散发着浓烈药味的笨丈夫。