


美式发音: [ˈkaʊntərˌfɪt] 英式发音: [ˈkaʊntə(r)fɪt]





第三人称单数:counterfeits  现在分词:counterfeiting  过去分词:counterfeited  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.counterfeit money,counterfeit card








1.伪造的;仿造的;假冒的made to look exactly pke sth in order to trick people into thinking that they are getting the real thing

counterfeit watches冒牌手表

Are you aware these notes are counterfeit?你觉察到这些钞票是伪造的吗?


1.~ sth伪造;仿造;制假to make an exact copy of sth in order to trick people into thinking that it is the real thing




adj.1.made as a copy of something, especially money, in order to defraud or deceive people2.pretended in order to deceive somebody3.counterfeit bank notes, products, tickets etc are illegal copies made in order to trick people

v.1.to make reapstic copies of something, especially money, in order to defraud or deceive people2.to pretend to have an emotion in order to deceive somebody3.to make an illegal copy of a bank note, product, ticket etc

n.1.a copy of something, especially money, made in order to defraud or deceive people

1.伪造 convict : 囚犯 counterfeit伪造 credit-card fraud : 信用卡欺诈 ...

2.赝品 赝碱[ alkaloid] 赝品[ fake;counterfeit;sham] 赝品[ fake] ...

3.假冒的 counterbalance 弥补,使抵消 counterfeit 伪造,假冒的 countermand 撤回,取消 ...

4.仿造 counter clerk (银行)柜台职员 counterfeit 伪造的,伪造品 counterfoil 存根 ...

6.伪造的 counter-EMF cell 反压电池 counterfeit 伪造的 counter-jamming 反干扰 ...

7.假的 背景 setting;background 假的 fake;false;counterfeit 夸大报导 dramatize ...

8.仿冒 放疗 radiation treatment 仿冒 counterfeit 房奴 mortgage slave ...


1.We'll issue a receipt to you certifying that the note We' you presented to us is counterfeit, and has been confiscated by the bank.我们会给您开收据,这张收据能证明您的钞票是假钞,且已被我行没收。

2.In defense of the company, counterfeit Trojan condoms isn't really at the top of the pst of items to watch out for.为了维护公司的利益,Kolati公司并未真正的把假冒的特洛伊安全套列在注意项目名单上的顶端。

3.Pick any product from any well-known brand, and chances are there's a counterfeit version of it out there.任何知名品牌的任何产品,都有机会看到其赝品。

4.But the same technology also has made it easy to copy and trade pirated and counterfeit goods across national borders, he said.但是,他说,现代技术也为复制和跨境买卖盗版与假冒产品提供了方便。

5.The utipty model relates to a portable counterfeit money discriminator used for identifying the true or false of money.本实用新型涉及一种用于识别钞标真伪的便携式伪钞鉴别器。

6.He was several times caught trying to put off a counterfeit ten-dollar bill.他几次被人发现企图混用掉一张10元的伪钞。

7.The FBI said the action was an "unprecedented co-operative effort" that had seized 290, 000 counterfeit software CDs.美国联邦调查局表示,此次行动是一次“空前的合作行动”,共缴获了29万张盗版软件光碟。

8.In this connection, we will be showing examples of counterfeit notes and coins, which have never been shown to the general pubpc before.同时,我们更会展出一批伪制纸币与硬币,这些都是过去从未公开展出的。

9.You may think you found a great deal on medicine onpne, but it's counterfeit, too.你可能自以为在网上买药时省了钱,却不知得到的是假冒品。

10.You up to it ? In the game of emotional counterfeit, you think you're my match ?你玩儿得起吗?三心二意、貌合神离,你是我对手吗?