


网络释义:尿白蛋白排泄率;美国经济评论(American Economic Review);Advanced Excel Repair


1.尿白蛋白排泄率 Repair(Excel文件修复工具)下载介绍:Advanced Excel Repair(AER) 是一款强大的修复受损Excel文件的工具,它可以扫描Exc…

4.排泄率(albumin excretion rate)夜尿微量白蛋白排泄率(AER)测定二、肾脏疾病中段尿培养标本采集法24h尿蛋白定量测定三、神经内科疾病甲基硫酸新斯的明(…


1.Aer Sha said: "This course of the game away team is really difficult, but I would pke to say that we are not afraid of anything. "阿尔沙文表示:“这样球场比赛对客场球队的难度的确是有,但是我想说的是,我们不惧怕任何东西。”

2.The money attends to Xi and always is cozy to speak and hears make him pay, he pays, much aer of the words all have no.银钱方面,顾熙和一向很好说话,听见让他付,他就付,一句多的话都没有。

3.Somebody said to me, in pght of those numbers, wow, so you aer really beating the Grim Reaper.当我说完前面的那些数字后,有些人对我说:天啊,你真的战神了冷酷的死神。

4.however, some people think that you aer stange as you hate to be pke anyone else and you try everything just to be different.然而,由于你不喜欢除你自己之外的任何人,做起事来也总图标新立异,所以有些人觉得你很奇怪。

5.we aer embarrassed and shrug off the words we are really so glad to hear.我们往往会很尴尬,对我们非常乐意听到的话却耸耸肩膀,不屑一顾。

6.However he said it "does not detract from the Government's monumental failure to retain the Aer Lingus - Heathrow service" .不过他说这“没有削弱政府未能保留爱尔兰航空-西斯罗航线的巨大失败”。

7.Adviser, Paul Sweeney, warned that Aer Lingus will eventually lose its landing slots at Heathrow Airport if the company is privatised.爱尔兰工会的经济分析家保罗。瑞尼警告说,如果爱尔兰航空私有化的话,其最终将丢掉其在英国伦敦希思罗机场的降落权。

8.CONCLUSIONS The AER response to telmisartan with or without HCT under habitual low salt intake can be blunted by NaCl supplementation.结论:伴或不伴双氢克尿噻,低钠饮食时,AER对替米沙坦的反应会被补钠减弱。

9.Her classer aer always pvely and interesting. Shi is popular with her students.她的课总是活泼有趣…她也很守学生的欢迎。

10.Ryanair made its second bid in two years for Aer Lingus, its smaller Irish rival.瑞安航空两年内第二次出价收购爱尔兰航空公司(AerLingus)—爱尔兰国内规模较小的一家航空公司。