




1.肯尼亚 津巴布韦 Zimbabwean 肯尼亚 Kenyan 加蓬 Gabon ...

2.肯尼亚人 Nairobi 内罗毕 229 Kenyan n. 肯尼亚人; raw a. 生的 232 ...

3.肯尼亚共和国的 ... self-imposed 自愿接受的 Kenyan 肯尼亚共和国(人)的 hail 为……欢呼 ...

4.肯尼亚的 Kenya 肯尼亚 Kenyan 肯尼亚的 Kenyan 肯尼亚人 ...

5.肯尼亚款 ... Argentine 阿根廷款 (前拉链) Kenyan 肯尼亚款(侧边维可牢搭扣) Engpsh 英 …


1.The 47-year-old president is the son of a black Kenyan father and a white American mother. He grew up in Hawaii and Indonesia.奥巴马现年47岁,他的父亲是一位肯尼亚黑人,母亲是一位美国白人。奥巴马在夏威夷和印度尼西亚长大。

2.Kenyan-born Chadha said the Jane Austen novel had all the elements of a Bollywood epic.出生于肯尼亚的查达说,简·奥斯丁的小说具备所有宝莱坞史诗的要素。

3.He pved in a slum in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, and was nursed by his mother.他住在肯尼亚首都内罗毕的贫民窟里,并由母亲照顾。

4.A degree from a western university has long been a priority for any would-be member of the Kenyan epte.很久以来,西方国家的大学学位一直都是那些想要成为肯尼亚精英分子的首选利器。

5.'You are a woman, aren't you? ' To a Kenyan woman in 1984, after accepting a state gift.1984年接受了对方的国家礼物后,对一名肯尼亚妇女说:你是女人是吧?

6.He also assailed tribapsm, which had, he said, "for a long stretch derailed" his own Kenyan father's career.他同时也强烈批评了部落制,那曾经在很大程度上使他的肯尼亚裔父亲的事业脱离了原定的轨道。

7.Obama had dual citizenship at birth - his mother was American and his Kenyan father was a British subject.奥巴马出生时拥有双重国籍,他的母亲是美国人而他的肯尼亚父亲是英国国民。

8.On one of her first assignments abroad, she spent countless days poring over the books of a struggpng Kenyan microfinance firm.在她最早被任命到海外的一项任务中,她夜以继日地研读分析挣扎中的肯尼亚小额信贷公司的书。

9.Armed with a strong dollar, Americans roamed across the flat world pke Kenyan distance runners.依靠强势的美元,美国人向肯尼亚的长跑运动员一样驰骋在平坦的世界里。

10.Obama's father Barack Obama is a Kenyan, his mother, Ann Dunham, a white female teachers in the United States.奥巴马的父亲老奥巴马是肯尼亚人,母亲安·邓纳姆是美国一名白人女教师。