


美式发音: [ˈi] 英式发音: [ˈi:sɔp]





1.伊索 ARTDECO 雅蔻 Aesop 伊索 Asixo 安尚秀 ...

2.古希腊寓言家伊索 ... -Harry Emerson Fosdick( 美国牧师福斯迪克) -Aesop古希腊寓言家伊索) -Bendict de Spinoza( 荷兰哲学 …

3.伊索寓言 Vichy/ 薇姿 AESOP 澳洲伊索 ANNA SUI 日本安娜苏 ...

5.护肤寓言 Lomo/ 个性相机 AESOP/ 护肤寓言 BENEFIT/ 贝玲妃 ...


7.伊索澳洲 LILY 推荐 AESOP 伊索澳洲 APIVITA 艾蜜塔 希腊 ...


1.The man looked at it for a long time but had no idea what point Aesop was trying to make.这个男人久久的注视着它,但是对伊索所要表达的意思毫无头绪。

2.It was prettily devised of Aesop: the fly sat upon the axle-tree of the chariot wheel and said: "What a dust do I raise? "《伊索寓言》里有这样一个美妙有趣的故事:那只苍蝇坐在战车轮子的木头轴上,说:“看,我掀起了多大的尘埃!”

3.Neither give thou Aesop's cock a gem, who would be better pleased, and happier, if he had had a barley corn.也不要给《伊索寓言》中的雄鸡一颗宝石,这雄鸡要是得到一颗麦粒,他要快乐欢喜得多了。

4.In fact, we do not know what Aesop looked pke; nor is it certain that he was unable to speak.事实上,我们并不晓得伊索长相如何,也无法确定他是不是不能讲话。

5.Aesop's fable seems to make sense to us while Kafka's story doesn't, it feels empty and absurd.伊索寓言看上去似乎对我们更有意义,然而卡夫卡的故事就不是了,感觉它是空虚和荒谬的。

6.It has many more than many other Aesop books! Only, where'd it get the name "The Aesop for Children" .有许许多多伊索寓言的书籍,只有这本书的名字叫《伊索儿童寓言》!

7.For me, Beijing's behavior over the past couple of years conjures up the classic Aesop fable 'The Scorpion and the Frog.我认为,北京方面过去几年来的举措不得不使我想起伊索寓言中的“蝎子与青蛙”。

8.With Aesop's help, Sappho founds a utopia using a Ten Commandments of sorts, in an amusing parody of the bibpcal account.在伊索的帮助下,萨福通过类似于《十诫》的情节发现了一个乌托邦,这是一个有趣的对圣经记述的模仿。

9."Aesop's Fables" is one of my favorite extra-curricular reading books.《伊索寓言》这本书是我最喜爱读的课外书之一。

10.Treat other people as you hope they will treat you. Aesop, Ancient Greek fable writer.你希望别人如何对待你,你就如何对待别人。古希腊寓言家伊索。