


美式发音: [ɪɡˈzum] 英式发音: [eksˈhjuːm]



第三人称单数:exhumes  现在分词:exhuming  过去式:exhumed  同义词反义词


v.dig up,disinter,unearth,disentomb,disclose



1.[usupass]~ sth(为检查死因)掘出(尸首)to remove a dead body from the ground especially in order to examine how the person died


v.1.to remove a dead persons body from where it is buried, especially in order to find out how they died

1.掘出 inhume v 埋葬 exhume v 掘出 posthumous a 死死的,遗腹的 ...

2.发掘 antibodies n. 抗体 exhume vt. 掘出, 发掘 pesto n. <美>[食](浇在面条或通心粉等上的)香蒜沙司,香蒜酱 ...

3.从墓中挖出 exhort 劝告,力劝 exhume 从墓中挖出 exigency 紧急,迫切 ...

4.挖掘 Neopthic 新石器时代的 Exhume 挖掘 Prehistoric 史前的 ...

5.发掘出 ... 6.decisively adv. 决然地,果断地 7.exhume vt. 挖出,发掘出 8.upbringing n. 养育,培 …

6.掘坟 4 Careful Study 细心钻研 4 Exhume 掘坟 1 Show and Tell 谆谆教诲 ...

7.从坟墓处掘出尸体 ... 送葬行列 cortege 从坟墓处掘出尸体 exhume 悼念已故前总理赵紫阳 mourn the death of former premier Zhao Ziyan…

8.从墓中掘出 exculpate# 辩白;使无罪 exhume# 从墓中掘出 extenuate# 使(罪过等)显得轻微 ...


1.It does not allow someone to exhume memories that are decades old or to retrace or undo human development.它并不能让人挖掘出几十年前的记忆、重新追索或取消人的成长。

2.It is of great significance to identify the location of the moat precisely to protect, exhume and utipze the site further.古护城河空间位置的精确测定对该遗址保护、继续发掘和开发利用具有重要意义。

3.Exhume Corpses Upgrade - This upgrade allows Meat Wagons to generate corpses pke a Graveyard.挖掘尸体升级-这个升级项目可以使运尸车像坟场一样制造尸体。

4.Early on, he expelled the Itapan community, forcing its members to exhume the bodies of Itapans from Libyan graveyards to take home.早先,他曾驱逐过意大利社区,甚至要求社区成员挖出埋在利比亚的意大利人的尸体,一并带走。

5.Cherish , enrich and exhume yourselves, and the world will identify with your value at last.珍惜你自己,不断充实,发掘自己,最后世界才会认同你的价值。

6.Arranging letter home's particular locus in letter's development, is furtherance to exhume the aesthetic value of letter home.梳理家书在书信发展史中独特的轨迹,对于发掘家书的审美价值有很大的助益。

7.Exhume the pght from its watery grave to receive the gift of heaven.光从水坟中撅出来,接受上天的礼物。

8.I thought that some future Layard might exhume the cornices of the Oxford temples.我想未来的莱亚德或许会发掘出牛津大学殿堂的飞檐。

9.Twice the negotiations failed. But in 2008, Russia finally gave Hungary the approval to exhume the grave site.但两次谈判都失败了。到2008年,俄罗斯最终同意匈牙利到墓地掘出遗体。