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n.1.[People Name]a surname

1.比伯 11条评论 sundayhot168 比伯 bieber 蓝色企鹅 puku ...

2.比伯夫人 比伯夫人 Bieber ...

3.比博 ... Bob 宝 bieber 比博 CC 思思 ...

4.贾斯汀比伯的图片【精品】贾斯汀比伯的图片Bieber)!! Tk小池子 ---- 4-4 老友们 铭知故犯 还有老友存在这个吧吗?


1.They added that Bieber had not denied he had unprotected sex with her following the concert.他们还补充道Bieber并未否认在演唱会后曾与她有过未保护性行为。

2.Justin Bieber, who took home the award for best male video, was all over his girlfriend, Selena Gomez, at the awards.贾斯汀·比伯在典礼上凌驾于女朋友赛琳娜·戈麦斯之上,赢得了最佳男歌手录像奖。。

3.TMZ also reports that Bieber isn't planning to let Yeater's accusations go unpunished, and plans on taking her to court.TMZ还报道称,比伯打算让Yeater为她的指控负法律责任,并打算将她诉诸法院。

4.His fans can't seem to get enough of him, and now Justin Bieber will be coming to a theater near you early next year.贾斯汀-比伯的粉丝们可能总想得到他更多的信息,而明年初他就可以和影迷在影院进行更近距离的接触了。

5.This rumored breakup comes just a week after Bieber made a surprise appearance at one of Gomez's concerts.这一谣言的出现离贾斯丁在戈麦斯演唱会上惊喜现身仅一周之隔。

6.Justin Bieber! Did that really happend? Ok, he deserved that. That just shows how much you suck, b Bieber!贾斯汀·比伯!那真的发生了?好!他活该!这就能说明你有多烂!比伯!

7.Hordes of screaming, crying girls showed up to his concerts, inspiring headpnes pke "Bieber Fever" and "Biebermania. "成群女孩在他的演唱会现场尖叫着、呼喊着,从而才促成了像“比伯热”这样的头条新闻的出炉。

8.Justin Bieber may be a superstar but he is still under age and his mother is still his legally his guardian.贾斯汀比伯或许是一个超级明星但他仍然年轻而且他的母亲仍然是他合法监护人。

9.Mr. Bieber came out of the booth to hear his vocals played back. "I'm so excited for my birthday, I can hardly even concentrate, " he said.比伯从录音间里走出来,听自己的录音回放。“生日的事让我太兴奋了,我简直没法集中精神。”他说。

10.Recently Justin Bieber and his mother had an argument and his punishment was his cell phone was canceled!最近贾斯汀比伯和他的妈妈吵了一架,而作为他的惩罚是手机被没收了!