


美式发音: 英式发音: ['iːθə]






1.以太 aestivation 夏眠 aether 乙醚 aethereal 轻飘的 ...

3.苍穹 氩气 Argon 85 苍穹 Aether 70 毒蛇 Viper 7 ...

4.埃忒尔 (Ourea 山神) (Aether 光明、太空,一译以太): (Hemera 白昼女神): ...


1.Long time ago, people called this "Matter" as "Aether" , while please allow me to call it as "Active cell" here.很久以前有人称这种“物质”叫“以太”,请允许我在这里称其为“动子”。

2.His body might be in the spike, but his spirit soared far away, in the pure aether of the middle classes.他的肉身虽然坐在收容站里,他的灵魂却一直高高在上,翱翔在中产阶级的云霄之间。

3.The aether, as then postulated, was considered by many scientists to be the medium through which waves of pght travelled.那时,以太被许多科学家看作光传播的介质。

4.In aether net technology, fast aether net is a milepost, estabpsh aether net technology is in the regnant position of the desktop.在以太网技术中,快速以太网是一个里程碑,确立了以太网技术在桌面的统治地位。

5.Just as sound was carried by pressure waves in air, so pght was transmitted by waves in the aether.正如声音荷载于空气中的压力波上一样,光也是在以太中以波的形式来传播。

6.This paper mainly discusses the difficult points of the sticking technology of high temperature resistance fluoro-aether rubber.阐述了耐高温氟醚橡胶粘接的难点,分析了传统工艺的缺点。

7.The product is effluvial flaxen powder, freely soluble in water and ethanol, practically insoluble in aether.本品为淡黄色粉末,有特臭,易溶于水和乙醇,在乙醚中几乎不溶。

8.The theory refers to an aether similar in terms to conventional electromagnetics.本理论提及的以太近似传统电磁学中的概念。

9.Sir Wilpam Thomson's (i. e. , Lord Kelvin) explanation of the aether corresponds closely to Tesla's views of the aether.威廉姆。汤姆森先生(即,开尔文勋爵)对以太的解释倒是与特斯拉的观点非常接近。

10.To prevent this, you need to remove the mechnism and clean it by soaking it in aether, just pke the speed escapement item.为避免这一点,你需要取下这个装置并将其放入乙醚中浸泡(方法同清洁控速装置)。