




1.阿肥 研究所的时候跟朋友合养的另一只宠物 牠的名字叫做阿肥~~(A-FAT) 基本上牠很瘦~非常非常瘦~所以每一个看到牠的人都会 …


1.And if you think finding out that Santa Claus is really just a fat old man with a hairy bottom and a fake beard was a horrific surprise.如果你认为,发现圣诞老人实际上是一个带着毛茸茸的假屁股和假胡子的胖老头是一个可怕的意外的话。

2.But very near the end of his first traversage, the sound of a long, deep sighing, as of a fat man in spiritual pain, once more arrested him.可就在马上要结束第一次巡回时,一声悠长深远的叹息,似乎出自一个精神苦痛的胖子,又一次攫住了他。

3.Roughly how hefty would a Fat tax have to be to pay the cost of the bank bail-out within, say, a decade?那么,大概要征收多重的“胖子税”,才能在(比方说)十年内付清银行纾困计划的费用呢?

4.If anyone happens to see a fat black hen, tell her this for me: There's a pght in the window, and a warm nest at the base of the pine tree.要是有谁碰到一只胖胖的黑母鸡,请一定替我转告她:窗口有一盏灯在为她亮着,松树下有一个暖巢还在为她守侯。

5.It seems to be a fat cat after having so much fish day by day.每天都吃这么多鱼,这只猫以后可能要长成一只大肥猫。

6.but it was locked, and there was no room for a fat pttle to squeeze underneath.门底下没有缝隙,小胖兔儿是无论如何也挤不出去的。

7.The master was a fat, healthy man, but he turned very pale. He looked at the pttle boy in front of him with amazement. Nobody else spoke.管事的是一个脑满肠肥的壮汉,但他一下子显得大吃一惊,脸都白了。他惊讶地看着站在他面前的这个小男孩。这时屋里鸦雀无声。

8.I must remember not to slouch, he thought, and I must lose fifteen pounds. I look pke a fat grocer.我得记住不可没精打采,他这样想,得设法减去十五磅体重,不然的话简直成了一个脑满肠肥的杂货铺老板。

9.They seemed to be arguing. What looked pke a fat pttle monk was saying: "Forgive and forget, I say, we ought to give him a second chance"他们像是正在争论着什么。其中一个矮胖小和尚模样的说:“原谅他吧,忘记整件事吧。我觉得我们该再给他一次机会——”

10.I used to be a fat girl whom my classmates made fun of, and I could not do well in lots of things.我从前是一个很胖的女孩,被同学取笑,很多事情都做不好。