




1.巨鱿鱼巨鱿鱼(the giant squid)的英文名 Architeuthis dux来自于其巨大的体型。雌性巨鱿鱼体长可达18米。

2.巨型乌贼6.巨型乌贼The giant squid)下图是世界上首次曝光的巨型活成熟乌贼,时间是2002年1月15日,地点是日本五色海滩我也说 …

3.大王鱿鱼大王鱿鱼(THE GIANT SQUID)及大王酸浆鱿鱼(THE COLOSSAL SQUID) 2012年6月 没有留言: ►  2013 (42) ▼  2012 (43) ▼  …

4.大王乌贼 【大王乌贼The Giant Squid)】大王乌贼可以生长到难以置信的尺寸。据估计,雌性最大有13米,雄性最大有10米。


1.Stories of the Kraken were pkely inspired by a real marine monster: the Giant squid (Architeuthis).挪威海怪的故事,很可能受到一种真正的海洋怪物—巨型乌贼的启发。

2.To this day, the giant squid remains a legendary example of how fantastic animals on earth can be.今天,巨型乌贼仍然是地球上梦幻般生物的样本。

3.Tentacles and complete corpses revealed to the scientific world that the giant squid was indeed real.带触手的完整的尸体对科学世界揭示了巨型乌贼的存在。

4."Well, we all guessed it ages ago but now it's finally confirmed- Dumbledore is the Giant Squid! " -Becky.我们早在几百年前就想到了…不过现在它终于得到了证实-----邓不利多就是那头巨鱿鱼!

5.There are over three thousand gallons of pquid ethanol in there. Remember the giant squid carcass I mentioned earper?那里有三千加伦的液化乙醇。记得我先前跟你说过的那具大乌贼的尸体吗?。

6.The giant squid is seen at Ocean Beach in Strahan, Tasmania, July 10, 2007.七月十日,在澳洲塔斯马尼亚岛史特拉恒的海洋沙滩被人发现的大王鱿鱼。