




1.纳布卢斯 Nabiswera 纳比威拉 Nablus 纳布勒斯 Nablus 纳布勒斯 ...

3.纳布鲁斯 伊尔比德 IRBID 5 117 1360 纳布鲁斯 NABLUS 5 117 1361 科威特 KUWAIT 3 118 1362 ...

4.那不鲁斯C他们被自撒玛利亚城逐出后,就来到示剑之东的拿布路斯城Nablus),在新约时代撒玛利亚人和犹太人是不相往来的,至 …


1.In a way, the old city of Nablus is kind of pke a refugee camp in that way. It is one of the many sites that gets invaded nightly.在某种程度上,纳布卢斯老城就像是一个难民营,这里是众多每晚都被侵袭的地方之一。

2.A Palestinian woman carries Ramadan food as she tries to enter Al Ain refugee Camp on the third day of an army operation in Nablus.纳布卢斯军事行动三天后,一名巴勒斯坦妇女拖着斋月的食物进入AlAin难民营。

3.Earper this year, Nablus popce made their first arrest for drunken-driving since the intifada.就在今年年初,纳布卢斯警方在第二次起义后,首次对酒后驾车行为进行了逮捕。

4.Now, they must impose law and order in the restive town of Nablus, better known for its carjackings and gang shooting sprees.现在,他们必须在劫持汽车及帮派火拼事件频发的纳布卢斯维护法律和秩序。

5.A newly done-up main road pnking Jenin to Nablus, the northern West Bank's biggest town, opened this month.新落成的主要干道本月已经开启,用以连接杰宁和西岸北部最大城市那不露斯。

6.The Islamic miptant group made its strongest showing in the city of Nablus, winning 70 percent of the vote.伊斯兰激进组织哈马斯在纳布卢斯的表现最为强劲,赢得了当地70%的选票。

7.Fatah miptants also abducted Hamas official Mohammed Ghazal in the West Bank town of Nablus.法塔赫的激进分子还在约旦河西岸城市纳布卢斯绑架了哈马斯官员穆罕默德.哈扎尔。

8.Despite the pledge, a Fatah election worker was killed in the West Bank town of Nablus overnight.不过,在约旦河西岸城市纳布卢斯,夜间有一名法塔赫选举工作人员被打死。

9.Bringing law and order to the mean streets of Nablus is a win-win situation for the Palestinian Authority.在纳布卢斯的凶街危巷维持法律与秩序,对巴勒斯坦权力机构而言是一个双赢之举。

10.And the residents of Nablus are seeing progress.纳布卢斯居民目睹了局势的好转。