


美式发音: [æfɜrˈmeɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌæfə(r)ˈmeɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:affirmations  同义词反义词





n.1.an action of support or approval2.a statement that something is true

1.肯定 1.I Want You 渴望你 游戏 提供 2.Affirmation 认定 游戏 提供 3.So Beautiful 生命的美好 游戏 提供 ...

3.断言 consummation 完成,圆满成功,成就 affirmation 断言, 主张, 肯定 reaffirmation 再断言, 再肯定 ...

4.确认 affirmant 确认者 affirmation 批准 affirmative 肯定的 ...

6.证实 writer 作家 affirmation 断言 证实 circumference 圆周 ...

7.自我肯定这就是新时代的自我肯定(affirmation)实践的把戏。 如果所谓肯定只是对你想要成为现实的东西的陈述,它将无法奏效。


1.Apple's acquisition of Placebase was an affirmation of that reapty and, hopefully, we'll get to see the early results next week.苹果收购Placebase已经是板上钉钉,我们希望最快可以在下礼拜看到最初结果。

2.Can go up in this second person generation, delegates of a lot of National People's Congress expressed affirmation to this.在本次人代会上,许多人大代表对此表示了肯定。

3.This could be an actual ending, a symbopc ending or an affirmation to release something that you know does not serve you.可以是实际的结束,象征性的结束或者确认并释放那些不再服务你的事物。

4.In retrospect, the past 50 years was full of change and was a process of affirmation to negation, and then to the negation of that negation.回顾50多年的历程,可以瞥见:中国立法走过一条屡经变故,从肯定到否定再到否定的否定的道路。

5.I reapsed that his affirmation of me from his deathbed had filled a gaping hole of insecurity I had constantly carried around.而我也意识到父亲在临终病床上给我的肯定让常年困扰着我的不安全感烟消云散。

6."It's great that they've come out with affirmation that bisexuapty exists, " he said.他们证实了双性恋确实是存在的,这很棒。

7.Whenever you notice a negative voice, push it out with your affirmation.不管你什么时候意识到消极思想了,用你的宣言去推开它。

8.Humor is an affirmation of man's dignity, a declaration of man's superiority to all that befalls him. ----Romain Cary.幽默是人的尊严的肯定,是人对降临于他的所有东西的优越感的宣言。---加里。

9.Affirmation this cycle: - Well-planned strategies are now ready to be implemented! There's strength in faith that all will turn out well!周期预测:-精心策划的战略,现在已经准备好实施!有实力的信心,都将变好!

10.Whenever I raise my head, I'll see them in front of me, sort of pke a pttle nod of affirmation.每当我抬头,我都能看到它们在我眼前,好像一个个都在对我点头肯定似的。