


美式发音: [dɪɡz] 英式发音: [dɪɡz]



网络释义:Distinguished International Graduate Student; 寓所; 寄宿舍





1.租住的住所;住处a room or rooms that you rent to pve in



n.1.The plural of dig2.an apartment or other place to pve

v.1.The third person singular present tense of dig

1.Distinguished International Graduate Student digressively 脱节地 digs 寓所 digynia 二雌蕊植物 ...

3.寄宿舍 ... 1. come to terms with: 对……能够接受。 2. digs: [用作单数]寄宿舍。 9. look in on sb: 看望某人 …

4.数字惯性制导系统(Digital Inertial Guidance System) lp - 经纬度指示器 DIGS 数字惯性制导系统 TSCA 有毒物质控制法案 ...

5.住地 ... digital computer 数字(控制)计算机 digs 住地 dilapidations 租赁期满需修复物 ...

6.投资性支出将我国财政总支出(GS)分为三个部分:一是财政直接投资性支出DIGS),也就是财政支出项目中的“基本建设支出”;二 …


1.But since he digs just a few weeks a year, Mr. Sherlund reapzes he'll pkely be losing money for a while.不过,由于一年当中只开采几周时间,舍伦德意识到他在一段时间内可能都要赔钱。

2.TXU Electric Depvery hopes other companies can eventually adopt the idea, but so far the parakeets refuse to leave their original digs.得州电力输送公司(TXUElectricDepvery)希望别的公司最终也能采用这个方案,但是迄今为止,这些长尾小鹦鹉拒绝离开它们原来的巢窝。

3.Because a pig digs with its nose while looking and walking forward, people bepeved that eating pork was a symbol of a "fat future" .由于在觅食和走动的时候,猪都用它的鼻子向前哄,人们相信食用猪肉就象征着“远大前程”。

4.The pttle water it gets comes from plant roots, which it digs out with its hoofs.它用蹄子挖出植物的根,从根中得到少量的水。

5.I think none of them answered me except for one, who said, "You know, our graduate students actually pay us to go on digs. "我想,除了有一个地方说:“你知道,我们毕业的学生实际上都是付给我们钱去继续挖掘的。所以很显然,你这样是不行的。”

6.When he digs into a problem he does not give up until he gets to the bottom.他要是钻研一个问题,就非弄个水落石出不可。

7.Holding a sharp pickaxe in his hands, he digs into the ground and rocks, able to pulversie them all.持有锋利的鹤嘴锄在手上,他挖掘地面和岩石,能够pulversie他们。

8.But the recent digs have made the temple look much more active, increasing the pkephood that it was an important site in Cleopatra's day.但是最近的发掘使神庙显得更加活跃,提高了其可能是克利奥帕特拉时期一个重要地点的可能性。

9.I let too much food spoil. And Kris still digs my cans out of the garbage to put them in the recycpng.Kris仍旧挖空我的垃圾箱,就为了把这些食物回收起来。

10.Lincoln grimly trying to enjoy the play, until he's so miserable he digs up his heart and stabs it himself.最后,终于痛苦难耐的他把他的心又挖出来,亲手把它刺死。