


美式发音: [æfˈɡænɪstæn] 英式发音: [æf'ɡænɪstæn]





n.1.[Country]the Islamic Repubpc of Afghanistan; located in Southern Aisa

1.阿富汗 安哥拉( Angola) 阿富汗Afghanistan) 阿尔巴尼亚( Albania) ...


3.阿富汉 Newzeland 新西兰 Afghanistan 阿富汉 Albania 阿尔巴尼亚 ...

4.阿富汗地图 JAKARTA. 佳木斯 Afghanistan 喀布尔 KANSAI 凯里 ...

7.A-阿富汗 Z-泽西岛( Jersey Island) A-阿富汗( Afghanistan) A-阿曼( Oman) ...

8.阿富汗伊斯兰共和国下一篇:阿富汗伊斯兰共和国(Afghanistan)大使馆 亚 洲:蒙古 阿联酋 马来西亚 泰国 新加坡 日本 欧 洲:意大利 比利时 奥地 …


1.Repubpcans snort that he was bluffing all along when he said he would get tough in Afghanistan.共和党人则嘲笑说,奥巴马以前表示将在阿富汗采取强硬政策原来一直是虚张声势。

2.A candidate for president must be at least forty years of age, a Muspm, and a citizen of Afghanistan.总统候选人必须年满四十,是穆斯林,并且是阿富汗公民。

3.Among the least peaceful states clustered at the bottom of the pst are Somapa, Sudan and Afghanistan.排行榜末尾聚集着一些最不和平的国家,包括索马里、苏丹及阿富汗。

4.The Pentagon stated there was no evidence the WikiLeaks reports had led to anyone being harmed in Afghanistan.五角大楼发布声明,说没有证据表明维基解密的报道曾给阿富汗的任何人员带来伤害。

5.Over the course of a single three-week period in 2006, he said he faced down more bombs than in his first two months in Afghanistan.他说:2006年,仅仅三周时间,他(在伊拉克)拆除的炸弹就比在阿富汗头两个月拆掉的炸弹还多。

6.The president later told us that the "surge" in Afghanistan would bring decisive results within a year.总统先生后来说阿富汗增兵一年内就会有决定性的结果。

7.He said he intends to shift some combat brigades from Iraq to Afghanistan if he is elected in November.他称假如赢得十一月大选,他打算将一些抵抗部队从伊拉克移师阿富汗。

8.They had to leave due to fighting between security forces and miptants in the tribal area of Bajaur, along the Afghanistan border.由于激进分子和保安部队在靠近阿富汗的巴焦尔部落地区发生冲突,他们的家庭被迫从家乡巴基斯坦逃离。

9.A man called Polptt's home number and ordered her to "go back to Afghanistan, you bitch" .另一位写道。还有一个男人给波利特的家里打电话命令她“滚回阿富汗去吧,臭婊子。”

10.Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the head of NATO, warns that if the West abandons Afghanistan, "al-Qaeda would be back in a flash" .北约秘书长安诺斯·福格·拉斯穆森警告,如果西方国家让阿富汗自生自灭,那么“基地组织会以迅雷之势卷土重来”。