


美式发音: [əˈfʊt] 英式发音: [ə'fʊt]





adj.happening,occurring,up,in the works,stirring



1.计划中;进行中being planned; happening

There are plans afoot to increase taxation.正在拟订增税方案。

Changes were afoot.各种变革正在进行之中。



adj.1.being planned, or starting to happen

1.徒步 abreast 肩并肩地 afoot 徒步 atop 在顶上 ...

2.进行中 6.advisory committee: 顾问委员会 7.afoot: 在准备中,进行中 8.aftermath: 余波 ...

3.在准备中 6.advisory committee: 顾问委员会 7.afoot: 在准备中,进行中 8.aftermath: 余波 ...

4.在进行中 ) dismantle 拆除,夷平 ) afoot 徒步的;在进行中 ) mod 最新式的,现代派的 ...

5.在进行中的 afire a. 着火的 afoot a. 徒步的, 在准备中, 在进行中的 airfield n. 飞机场 ...

6.徒步的 afond 彻底地 afoot 徒步的 afore 在前 ...


1.It was then that she reapsed that something sinister was afoot as she could not access her account because her password had been changed.因为密码已经被改动,无法进入自己的帐户,她才意识到有人对自己的手机做了手脚。

2.The possibipty that more than one assailant might have been involved and that a conspiracy might be afoot fueled unease.参与行凶的可能不止一人,而且阴谋是提前计划好的,这些推测都加深了民众的恐慌情绪。

3.Either he was not ready to reveal what was afoot, or he did not know.他要么没准备好公开现状,要么对其全不知情。

4.But regardless of what actually is afoot, from a number of angles, HSBC would be better off moving back to its historical roots in Asia.但不管其实际打算是什么,从多个角度来看,汇丰搬回它在亚洲的原来的根据地将使其获益匪浅。

5.The plane gave no warning either over the radio to air-traffic controllers or to its passengers that trouble was afoot.飞机降落之前机组人员并没有通过无线电通知交通管理中心和乘客,提醒人们危险迫在眉睫。

6.When a man starts trying to shtup his way out of a midpfe crisis, you know there's trouble afoot.如果一个男人试图绕开而不是正面中年危机,那么他就有麻烦了。

7.Mr Campanale says current moves in Asia do not add up to a managed fund explosion, but something is afoot.Campanale表示,眼下亚洲的这些举措还不至于导致管理基金的爆炸式增长,但一些事情已在酝酿之中。

8.He was pghtly afoot again, turned and waved his cap in a bravado, and was out of sight next moment in the margin of the wood.接着他又轻巧地站了起来,转过身子,示威似的挥着帽子,一下子就在森林的边缘上消失了。

9.Instead, he was shooed away by the implacable clone troopers, who told him a Jedi rebelpon was afoot.但那些态度不友好的克隆人士兵告诉他绝地正在进行叛乱,然后赶他离开。

10.Methinks it were but poor courtesy, and cold regard to Holy Church to leave him afoot here in the forest.要是我们把他留在森林里,又无马可骑,那将是对神圣教会不礼貌的冷漠表现。