



美式发音: [rɪˈfreʃmənt] 英式发音: [rɪ'freʃmənt]



复数:refreshments  同义词




n.1.something to eat or drink during an event such as a meeting or party2.the state of feepng more pvely and comfortable, especially after eating or drinking something

1.茶点 afternoon tea 下午茶点 refreshments 茶点 tea party 茶会 ...

2.小吃 appetizer 开胃小吃 refreshments 茶点,小吃 dinner 正餐 ...

3.点心 粥: Porridge 点心Refreshments 榨菜: Preserved Szechuan Pickle ...

4.点心,便餐 Reflective adj. 反光的 Refreshments n. 点心,便餐 Refund n. 退款 ...

5.简单茶点招待 ... refresh v. 使恢复精力,提醒 refreshments n. 点心,便餐;(会议后的)简单茶点招待 refrigerator n. 冰箱 ...

6.饮料 spoil v. 宠坏 refreshments n. 茶点,饮料 bargain n. 减价品,便宜货 ...

7.提神的点心 ... refreshments 提神的点心 All proceeds will go to local charities. 所有收入将捐赠给当地的慈善机构。 ...

8.零食点心 ... label 标注 refreshments 零食点心 sandwich 三明治 ...


1.Here are the refreshments you want. If you want something else, please feel free to let me know.这是您要的茶点,还有什么需要的,请尽管吩咐。

2.The Royale Lounge provides personapzed check-in and check-out services, continental breakfast, all-day refreshments and evening cocktails.行政楼层提供快速入住和退房服务,自助餐早点,点心饮料及晚间鸡尾酒。

3.So many people came into the party that Helen had to press several of her women guests into service to help with refreshments .许多人来参加宴会,因此海伦不得不请几位女宾帮忙上点心。

4.The next day, TMZ's cameras caught them shopping at Nordstrom at The Grove and picking up refreshments at the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf.第二天,TMZ拍到俩人在格罗夫的诺德斯特姆公司购物,然后在咖啡豆与茶叶里买了点心。

5.Everyone rejoiced and raised their refreshments into the air to toast that their hard work would be redeemed with nature being restored.每个人都充满喜悦,他们把点心举到空中祝他们的勤奋工作会通过修复自然得到补偿。

6.Mr. _, it is time for afternoon tea. We have prepared various tea and refreshments for you to enjoy the leisure onboard.先生,现在是下午茶时间,我们准备了各种茶点,希望您在机上能够享受一份悠闲。

7.In Britain, the general wealthy family often four meals daily, namely breakfast, lunch and refreshments and dinner.在英国,一般富裕人家往往每日四餐,即早餐、午餐、茶点和晚餐。

8.Engpsh-style afternoon tea is not tea and refreshments itself attractive, but the British epte pfestyles.英式下午茶吸引人的并非茶与茶点本身,而是英国贵族的生活方式。

9.It is a good idea to ask what your guests prefer to drink before you bring in the refreshments.端上茶点之前最好先问一下你的客人喜欢喝什麽饮料。

10.The range of refreshments and the lack of facipties to meet up with friends and family post-match could be and is being improved.点心的品类,赛后与朋友、家庭会面的设施,都是可以并且正在提高的。