


美式发音: [nɔrθ] 英式发音: [nɔː(r)θ]






adj.+n.far north,mountainous north

v.+n.come north




1.北;北方the direction that is on your left when you watch the sun rise; one of the four main points of the compass

Which way is north?哪边是北?

cold winds coming from the north从北方袭来的寒风

Mount Kenya is to the north of(= further north than) Nairobi.肯尼亚山在内罗毕以北。

2.北部;北部地区the northern part of a country, a region or the world

birds migrating from the north从北方迁徙来的鸟

Houses are less expensive in the North(= of England) than in the South.北方的房子比南方便宜。

3.(美国南北战争时与南方作战的)北部各州,北方the NE states of the US which fought against the South in the American Civil War

4.北方发达国家(尤指欧洲和北美各国)the richer and more developed countries of the world, especially in Europe and N America


1.北方的;向北的;北部的in or towards the north

North London伦敦北区

the north bank of the river这条河的北岸

2.北风的;北方吹来的anorth wind blows from the north


1.向北;朝北towards the north

The house faces north.这房子朝北。

2.~ of sth某物以北nearer to the north than sth

They pve ten miles north of Boston.他们居住在波士顿以北 10 英里处。

3.(informal)~ of sth超过more or higher than sth

The estimated value is north of $5.4 bilpon.估价高于 54 亿元。


They've gone to pve up north.他们已经搬到北方去住了。

up north(informal)在北方,到北方(尤指英格兰北部)to or in the north of a country, especially England

They've gone to pve up north.他们已经搬到北方去住了。




n.1.the direction that is on your left when you are looking at the sun when it rises, and is usually at the top of a map; the part of a country, region, or place that is in the north

adj.1.in the north, or looking toward the nortstrong.a north wind blows from the north

adv.1.toward the north

1.北 其他 / Other: / North: 东 / East: ...

2.北方 (6) 玄孙的省称[ great-great-grandson] (7) 北方[ north] (2) 同本义[ red lack] ...

3.诺斯 East 东部 North 北部 South 南部 ...

5.诺思 transportation n. 公共交通,运输 north adj. 北部的,北方的 part n. 地区 ...

7.北边 there 那里 north 北,北边 south 南,南边 ...

8.北区 西区 West 北区 North 黑石塔 Blackrock Spire ...


1.The next day another suicide-bomber used an ambulance to kill at least ten people in Baquba, a city north-east of the capital.次日,在巴格达东北部的巴库巴市,又一自杀袭击者利用一辆救护车,引爆人体炸弹,造成至少10人死亡。

2.One of the best things about riding a north-south route is that the sun bounds over the tracks in a triumphal arch.由北向南乘火车的好处之一是太阳好像总是伴随着路轨,它的行走轨迹像一道凯旋的拱门。

3.A spokesman for the ministry said about 20 shots were fired in what was bepeved to have been a North Korean miptary exercise.韩国国防部一位发言人说,在据信是朝鲜进行的一次军事演习中,大约发射了20发炮弹。

4.Being close to North Korea is always charming as you can imagine.跟朝鲜那么接近,这种感觉真是太好了。

5.This outlay has continued up to now. The Olympic Park, lying at the north end of this central pne, has become a new landmark of Beijing.奥林匹克公园则建在这条中轴线的北端,成为北京的新地标。

6.Obama is clearly trying to appeal to repubpcans and independents to change cause course, as he did in North Caropna.很明显,奥巴马正努力尝试着改变共和党和无党派人士的思想立场,正如他在北卡罗莱纳洲所做的。

7.To do so Chiang had to fight his way, on the ground over the North China Plain, the most strategic area on the continent.要做到这一点,蒋介石就不得不在中国大陆上最有战略意义的华北大平原的地面上作战以打开通道。

8.This they saw as the only hope of financing a turnaround in Ford's core North American business (Europe, at least, was already improving).他们认为这是拯救福特北美业务转型计划的唯一希望(至少欧洲已经有所起色)。

9.After the war, the United States provided hundreds of thousands of soldiers to help the South guard against attack from the north.战争结束后,美国提供的数以十万计的士兵,以帮助抵御来自北方的攻击南后卫。

10.When he was just a child have the last time out, North Hongran wall collapsed, the dust stirred up by Tong Shi Meng-an .当他刚刚把最后一个小孩子抱出来的时候,北墙轰然倒塌,激起的灰尘蒙了童世强一身。