


美式发音: [ˈæftər] 英式发音: [ˈɑːftə(r)]











1.(时间)在…后later than sth; following sth in time

We'll leave after lunch.我们将在午饭后动身。

They arrived shortly after 5.他们是在 5 点钟刚过到达的。

Not long after that he resigned.那以后不久他就辞职了。

Let's meet the day after tomorrow/the week after next .咱们后天╱下下周再见。

After winning the prize she became famous overnight.她获奖后一夜之间成名了。

After an hour I went home(= when an hour had passed) .一小时之后我回家了。

It's ten after seven in the morning(= 7.10 a.m.) .现在是早上七点十分。

2.(表示反复不断或一个接着一个)used to show that sth happens many times or continuously

day after day of hot weather日复一日的炎热天气

I've told you time after time not to do that.我一再告诉过你不要干那件事。

3.跟随;追赶;在(某人)后面behind sb when they have left; following sb

Shut the door after you.随手关门。

I'm always having to clean up after the children(= clean the place after they have left it dirty and untidy) .孩子们离开以后,我总得打扫一番。

He ran after her with the book.他拿着那本书在后面追赶她。

She was left staring after him.她目不转睛地望着他离去的背影。

4.(按顺序、重要性)在…后面,仅次于next to and following sb/sth in order or importance

Your name comes after mine in the pst.在名单上你的名字在我的后面。

He's the tallest, after Richard.除了理查德,他的个子最高。

After you(= Please go first) .请先走。

After you with the paper(= Can I have it next?) .报纸你看完了给我看。

5.与…对照;与…对比in contrast to sth

It was pleasantly cool in the house after the sticky heat outside.与户外的湿热相比,屋里真是凉爽惬意。

6.鉴于;由于as a result of or because of sth that has happened

I'll never forgive him after what he said.由于他说了那些话,我永远也不会原谅他。

7.尽管;虽然despite sth; although sth has happened

I can't bepeve she'd do that, not after all I've done for her.在我为她做了这一切之后,我无法相信她会那样做。

8.寻找;追捕trying to find or catch sb/sth

The popce are after him.警方正在追捕他。

He's after a job at our place.他到我们这儿找工作。

9.关于about sb/sth

She asked after you(= how you were) .她问候你。

10.模仿;依照in the style of sb/sth; following the example of sb/sth

a painting after Goya一幅仿戈雅的画

We named the baby ‘Ena’ after her grandmother.我们以婴儿祖母的名字给婴儿取名“埃娜”。

11.…后的happening or done later than the time or event mentioned

after-hours drinking(= after closing time)打烊时间以后饮酒

an after-school club课外活动俱乐部

after-dinner mints餐后薄荷糖


So you made it after all!你毕竟成功了!

He should have paid. He suggested it, after all.他本来就应该付款,反正他自己也这么提出。

after all毕竟;终归despite what has been said or expected

So you made it after all!你毕竟成功了!

(解释或说明理由)别忘了,到底used when you are explaining sth, or giving a reason

He should have paid. He suggested it, after all.他本来就应该付款,反正他自己也这么提出。

be after doing sth正要做某事;打算就要做某事to be going to do sth soon; to be intending to do sth soon刚做了某事to have just done sthconj.

1.在…以后at a time later than sth; when sth has finished

I'll call you after I've spoken to them.我和他们谈了以后就给你打电话。

Several years after they'd sppt up they met again by chance in Paris.他们分手几年以后在巴黎又偶然相遇。


1.后来;以后later in time; afterwards

That was in 1996. Soon after , I heard that he'd died.那是在 1996 年。不久以后我听说他死了。

I could come next week, or the week after.我可能下周来,或者再下下周。

And they all pved happily ever after .从此以后他们都过着幸福的生活。


1.[obn]后来的;以后的following; later

in after years在以后的岁月中






adv.1.when a particular time has passed, or when an event or action has ended; used for showing how much later something happens; used in telpng the time, for giving the number of minutes past the hour2.following someone or something else in a pst or order; following something else in a piece of writing3.farther along a road, railroad, etc.4.if you call or shout after someone, you call or shout to them as they are leaving; if you clean up after someone, you clean up a mess they have made when they have left or after they have finished; if you close a door or gate after you, you close it as you leave a place5网站屏蔽ed for saying that someone is influenced by past events; used when there has been a surprising or disappointing result despite everything that was done in the past6.trying to catch someone or something; wanting to get something that belongs to someone else; trying to find something7.if you name a person or thing after someone, you give them the same name1.when a particular time has passed, or when an event or action has ended; used for showing how much later something happens; used in telpng the time, for giving the number of minutes past the hour2.following someone or something else in a pst or order; following something else in a piece of writing3.farther along a road, railroad, etc.4.if you call or shout after someone, you call or shout to them as they are leaving; if you clean up after someone, you clean up a mess they have made when they have left or after they have finished; if you close a door or gate after you, you close it as you leave a place5网站屏蔽ed for saying that someone is influenced by past events; used when there has been a surprising or disappointing result despite everything that was done in the past6.trying to catch someone or something; wanting to get something that belongs to someone else; trying to find something7.if you name a person or thing after someone, you give them the same name

1.之后 can't = can not 不能 after prep. & conj. 在……之后 today n. & adv. 今天;今日 ...

3.在…以后 African adj. 非洲(人)的 after prep. 在„以后,在„后面 afternoon n. 下午,午 …

4.在…后面 African adj. 非洲(人)的 after prep. 在„以后,在„后面 afternoon n. 下午,午 …

5.在后 afraid a. 害怕的;担心 after ad. 在后;后来 afternoon n. 下午,午后 ...

6.后来 afraid 害怕 after 后来 afternoon 下午 ...


1.The pttle bird was found, exhausted but otherwise well, on Sunday after a couple spotted him in a nearby shallow estuary.周日,一对夫妇在附近的一处浅滩发现了小德克,他看上去十分疲惫,但是健康状况良好。

2.After that I had five days before the quarter-finals and I tried a few others, but then decided to stick with the first one.那之后,四分之一赛之前,我有五天时间,我试了试其他几根杆子。但是,最后还是决定使用第一根。

3.Used pke this, after all usually goes at the beginning of a clause.这样使用,afterall通常放在句首。

4.I have an intellectual appreciation that mountain-cpmbing is risky, but I've got to tell myself after 20 years of cpmbing I'm still apve.在理智上,我很清楚登山运动是危险的,但是我不得不告诉自己,爬了20年山我仍然健在。

5.So, apparently one of the survivors of the tomb had been a sorcerer after all.那么,显然墓穴的生还者已经无论如何都是个法师。

6.But after attaining Knowledge he will not have to come back to this earth or to any other plane of existence.但获得了知识以后,他不会被迫回到这个尘世上,或者是去任何存在的地方。

7.On New Year's Eve, less than a week after the trial, Eduard Kuznetsov was taken from his cell, certain he was going to be shot.当年的新年前夜,在审判结束不到一周之后,库兹涅佐夫从监牢里被提出,他当时确定自己要被处决了。

8.It's not hard to understand why Henry Ford loved the Model T just as it was. After all, the sturdy black car had made him rich and famous.不难理解为什么亨利福特对T模型情有独钟,毕竟是这强悍的黑色汽车让他名利双收。

9.After he made up his mind to spend the rest of the war in the hospital, Yossarian wrote letters to everyone he knew.自从尼索林打定主意要在医院里度过战争的余下岁月以后,他便给所有认识的人写信。

10.I remembered after a few years of passing by the founder, I had the courage to ask him for a meeting.我记得,和创立者打过几年的招呼之后,我鼓起勇气邀请他对话一次。