

chop up

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第三人称单数:chops up  现在分词:chopping up  过去式:chopped up  同义词

v.cut up,chop,cut into pieces,mill,spce



na.1.Same as chop

1.切开 chip 芯片 chop up 切开,隔断 circuit configuration 结构 ...

2.切细 chew up 嚼碎 chop up 切细 clean off 擦去,消除 ...

3.剁碎 tear up —— 撕碎,取消 chop up—— 剁碎,砍碎 cut up—— 切碎 ...

4.割断 chop out (地层等)突然露出 [喻]割断(历史等) chop up (地层等)突然露出 [喻]割断(历史等) chop round 风突变 ...

5.切碎 5. Naw: 俚语,表示“不,不是”。 8. chop up: 切碎。 10网址被屏蔽pany: 连,连 …

6.突然露出 chop out (地层等)突然露出 [喻]割断(历史等) chop up (地层等)突然露出 [喻]割断(历史等) chop round 风突变 ...

7.把…分成小块 wash up: 将…冲上岸 chop up: 把…分成小块 pe: 撒谎 ...

8.取消 分裂,打碎 chew up—— 撕碎,取消 chop up—— 走到,走上前 pve up to—— ...


1.The wind turbines in Capfornia's Diablo Mountains chop up thousands of birds a year, including golden eagles and red-tailed hawks.在加利福利亚的代阿布洛山上的风能涡轮机每年会绞死几千只鸟,其中包括金鹰和红尾鹰等稀有品种。

2.Their scheme to get rid of the corpse escalates to the point where they have to chop up his body just to fit him into a small trunk.丢尸的的阴谋逐渐升级为--在哪里肢解此人才能把尸体装入小行李箱中。

3.I'm going to buy a template for the site for you to modify. . . You will just have to chop up the psds they made.我打算买一个为您的网站模板修改…您只砍了他们在月台幕门。

4.Yesterday during gardening we had to chop up a whole bunch of chunks of dirt with a pick axe.昨天,在栽培花木过程中,我们不得不用十字镐分割一大块污泥。

5.Bacteria have defences against viruses in the form of chemicals called restriction enzymes, which chop up foreign DNA.细菌有一种对病毒的防御机制:一种叫做限制性内切酶的化学物质可以切断外源DNA。

6.ccMixter features remixes pcensed under Creative Commons, which allows others to sample, chop up, and rearrange these works.ccMixter使用创作共用许可证发布混音,允许别人取样、切断和重组这些作品。

7.Chop up (into, say, A5 sized pages) and bind with a strong needle and some string.裁成小块(A5大小),用大针头和一些线订成小本子。

8.QUICK EGG SALAD: When making egg salad I use my pastry blender to chop up the eggs.快速制作鸡蛋沙拉:制作鸡蛋沙拉时,如果用搅拌器搅碎鸡蛋更易清洁,而且方便快捷。

9.Humans, in contrast, can chop up a single ex exhalation into multiple bursts of " ha ha ha" -- or words.与之相反,人能把一个呼气过度变成可以多次爆发的“哈哈哈”声或者字词。

10.When smoking, use a dagger to chop up the smog each time comes out from the mouth.抽烟时,拿一把匕首把吐出的每一口烟雾都劈碎。