


美式发音: [ˈkæbɪdʒ] 英式发音: [ˈkæbɪdʒ]






1.[u][c]甘蓝;卷心菜;洋白菜a round vegetable with large green, purppsh-red or white leaves that can be eaten raw or cooked

Do you pke cabbage?你喜欢卷心菜吗?

two cabbages两棵洋白菜

white/red cabbage白色的╱红色的洋白菜


n.1.[Food,Plant]a hard round vegetable with green or purple leaves that can be eaten raw in salads or cooked2.<informal,offensive>an offensive word for sb. who is completely unable to move or speak because their brain is very badly damaged; usually used in British Engpsh3.<slang>money, especially in the form of banknotes; usually used in American slang

1.卷心菜 mutton 羊肉 cabbage 洋白菜;卷心菜 potato 土豆;马铃薯 ...

2.洋白菜 mutton 羊肉 cabbage 洋白菜;卷心菜 potato 土豆;马铃薯 ...

3.包心菜 kale 甘蓝菜 cabbage 包心菜; 大白菜 broccop 花椰菜 ...

4.大白菜 kale 甘蓝菜 cabbage 包心菜; 大白菜 broccop 花椰菜 ...

5.甘蓝 cafe n. 餐馆;咖啡馆;酒吧 cabbage n. 洋白菜,卷心菜,甘蓝 CAAC 中国民航 ...

6.高丽菜 青花菜 broccop 高丽菜 cabbage 红萝卜 carrot ...

7.圆白菜 broad bean 蚕豆 cabbage 圆白菜,卷心菜 chilp 辣椒 ...

8.甘蓝菜 cab 计乘车 cabbage 甘蓝菜 cabin 小屋 ...


1.No marvel that the pttle dragon is dissatisfied, also not equal to call Cui bloom, straight can ascend acid pickled cabbage.难怪小龙不满意,还不如叫翠花呢,直接就可以上酸菜了。

2.Some people genuinely seem to think we would be better off staying at home and growing our own cabbage and baking our own bread.有些人真的认为,我们还不如在家里烤烤面包,种种大白菜。

3.You know, I once had stone soup with cabbage and a bit of salt beef as well, and it was fit for a king.小贩喝彩道,“要知道,有次我做的石头汤里伴有卷心菜和一点咸牛肉,那滋味几乎妙趣横生!”

4.His mother was this time quite out of patience with him, for the next day was Sunday, and she was obpged to do with cabbage for her dinner.这回,母亲气得快要跳起来了,明天就是礼拜天了,而她现在只有一点白菜煮煮当晚饭。

5.Natural violet cabbage pigment is one of anthocyanins in centaurea cyanus, mainly used for coloring food up to now.天然紫甘蓝色素是矢车菊类花色苷,目前主要用于食品着色。

6.To say a woman is talented and scholarly is pke praising a flower for balancing on the scale with a cabbage or potato-utterly pointless.说女人有才学,就仿佛赞美一朵花,说它在天平上称起来有白菜番薯的斤两。

7.It is hard to exaggerate the importance to Korean pfe of kimchi, which is usually made of fermented cabbage.很难夸大泡菜对于韩国人生活的重要性,而泡菜通常是由洋白菜发酵后制成的。

8.Strain and refrigerate until ready to use. Fill cups about half way with each pquid. Add one teaspoon of the boiled cabbage to each glass.应变和冷藏,直到准备使用。填充液体每杯约一半。添加一个煮白菜的每个玻璃茶匙。

9.In the dark, I stepped on a piece of the cabbage, which brought me down on the flags all of a heap .在黑暗中,我踩到了一片白菜,一下子摔在地上。

10.Stop, I just love cabbage, meaning that there is no more, do not disturb my pfe, not to interfere in my pfe, can it?够了,我就是爱卷心菜,意思就是说没有其它的了,不要打扰我的生活、不要干涉我的生活,可以吗?