


美式发音: [əˈpɑn] 英式发音: [əˈpɒn]





1.(强调数目或数量大)used to emphasize that there is a large number or amount of sth

mile upon mile of dusty road绵延数英里尘土飞扬的道路

thousands upon thousands of letters成千上万封信件

prep.1.upon 语气较强,与动词连用或在句末,多用 upon, 如2.在某些习语中,on 与 upon 不能互换,如3.同“on (prep.)”4.日期前只用 on5.口语中多用 on1.upon 语气较强,与动词连用或在句末,多用 upon, 如2.在某些习语中,on 与 upon 不能互换,如3.同“on (prep.)”4.日期前只用 on5.口语中多用 on


prep.1.Same as on (prep.)2.on or onto something3网站屏蔽ed after some verbs with the same meaning ason4.immediately after doing something or after something happens5.if an event or time is upon you, it is going to happen very soon6网站屏蔽ed between two nouns that are the same for emphasizing that there is a large number of the thing that you are mentioning1.Same as on (prep.)2.on or onto something3网站屏蔽ed after some verbs with the same meaning ason4.immediately after doing something or after something happens5.if an event or time is upon you, it is going to happen very soon6网站屏蔽ed between two nouns that are the same for emphasizing that there is a large number of the thing that you are mentioning

na.1.The variant of closeon

1.在…之上 roar n 轰鸣;咆哮;怒号 upon prep 在……之上 seize vt 抓住;逮住;夺取 ...

2.在…上 dare v.aux. 敢;敢于 upon prep. 在…上 fasten vt.&vi. 扎牢;扣住 ...

3.在……上面 up ad. 向上;在上方;起来;在……以上 upon prep. 在……上面 upper a. 较高的,较上的 ...

4.依靠 remove……from[ 从……移走] · (upon)[ 依靠] · share……with[ 和……分享] · ...

5.如 不能互相替换, : upon, ...

6.指望 (with,to) 可比较的,类似的 304. (on ,upon) 依赖,指望 464. (to) 准许,同意 484. ...

7.依据 upload 上载 upon prep. 依据,遵照 upper a. 上的,上部的 ...


1.and I saw myself, if I ventured nearer, dashed to death upon the rough shore, or spending my strength in vain to scale the beetpng crags.我寻思着,假如我贸然靠近的话,不是被大浪拍死在嶙峋的岩石上就是在攀登悬崖峭壁时耗尽精力。

2.Then Tess went up to her mother, put her face upon Joan's neck, and told.于是苔丝走到她的母亲面前,把脸伏在琼的脖子上,一五一十地对母亲说了。

3.The children would pull the bear's hair and put their feet upon his back and roll him over.孩子们常拔熊的毛玩,或是把她们的脚放在它的背上,把它滚来滚去。

4.After he has talked most happily and enthusiastically-as he always did -upon the importance of this point, I asked what I should do next.在他很高兴热情的-像平常一样-讲了这一点的重要性后,我问我下一步要做什么。

5."Once upon a time, there was an ambitious young man who didn't read The Economist. The End, " read one particularly audacious ad from 2004.2004年一则特别大胆创新的广告这么说到:“从前,有一个很有抱负的年轻人,他不看《经济学人》,完了。”

6.She half enclosed me with her arms, She press'd me with a meek embrace; And bending back her head, look'd up, And gazed upon my face.她的两臂松松地搂住我,羞答答地把我抱在胸前;她仰起了头,抬起了眼睛久久地凝视我的脸。

7.But Ephraim has bitterly provoked him to anger; his Lord will leave upon him the guilt of his bloodshed and will repay him for his contempt.以法莲大大惹动主怒,所以他流血的罪必归在他身上。主必将那因以法莲所受的羞辱归还他。

8.True, I was ready to share it with him, but it made me rage to see him count upon my readiness.的确,我准备和他共同享用,但是,看到他已经指望着我的这种意愿,不由我不愤怒。

9.After seeing you I have decided once for all that I am not going to look upon any other girl for love.在遇见你之后我决定再也不去寻找任何其他的女子的爱。

10.Upon her return, she found that her lover Dumuzi had not been mourning and so she sentenced him to the underworld.她返回的时候,发现她的爱人杜穆兹并没有因此而悲恸,因此她宣判他到冥界中。