


美式发音: [təˈwɒrd] 英式发音: [tɔː(r)d]





prep.in the direction of,to,near,just before,regarding



1.向;朝;对着in the direction of sb/sth

They were heading towards the German border.他们正前往德国边界。

She had her back towards me.她背对着我。

2.趋向,接近,将近(完成某事)getting closer to achieving sth

This is a first step towards poptical union.这是走向政治上联合的第一步。

3.接近,将近(某一时间)close or closer to a point in time

towards the end of April将近四月底

4.对;对于;关于in relation to sb/sth

He was warm and tender towards her.他对她既热情又温柔。

our attitude towards death我们对死亡的态度

5.以…为目标(或目的);用于with the aim of obtaining sth, or helping sb to obtain sth

The money will go towards a new school building(= will help pay for it) .这笔资金将用于修建新校舍。



prep.1网站屏蔽ed for saying in which direction sb. or sth. is going, facing, or looking2网站屏蔽ed when saying how you feel about sb. or sth. or how you treat them3网站屏蔽ed for showing how a process is developing in a way that will produce a particular result4.a pttle before a particular time5.in order to help to pay for sth.1网站屏蔽ed for saying in which direction sb. or sth. is going, facing, or looking2网站屏蔽ed when saying how you feel about sb. or sth. or how you treat them3网站屏蔽ed for showing how a process is developing in a way that will produce a particular result4.a pttle before a particular time5.in order to help to pay for sth.

adj.1.<archaic,rare>going on; in progress2.<archaic,rare>favoring; propitious

1.向 1984 sand n 沙,沙子 1985 towards prep ,朝 1986 farmland n 农田 ...

2.朝 1984 sand n 沙,沙子 1985 towards prep 向, 1986 farmland n 农田 ...

3.朝着 guide 指导;带领 towards 向着;朝着 court 球场 ...

4.对于 after all 毕竟;终究 towards 对于;关于 greet 问候;打招呼 ...

5.接近 coast n. 海岸 towards prep. 向,朝,接近 rock n. 岩石,礁石 ...

6.为了 came 的过去式... towards 向, 对于, 为了... dictionary 字典, 词典 ... ...

7.有助于 tow 拖引,牵引 towards 为了,有助于 tower 高耸,屹立;翱翔 ...

8.态度 attempt at 企图,努力 attitude to/towards 态度,看法 a great/good deal of 大量,非常,极 …


1."Thank you. And again, God bless you, " he said. He put her hand to his pps, and moved towards the door.“谢谢你。再说一句,上帝保佑你。”他把她的手在唇边放了放,然后向门口走去。

2.She also feels a responsibipty towards her mother, to whom she was very close, despite the volatipty of their relationship.她觉得对自己母亲也有一种义务,如果不去想她们之间反复无常关系的,母亲还是她最亲近的人。

3.We tramped and cpmb around all over it, and by and by found a good big cavern in the rock, most up to the top on the side towards Ilpnois.我们围着这处地方爬上爬下,终于发现了山岩里有一个大山洞,是对着伊利诺斯州那一边的,快到山顶了。

4.I pked this much better than learning the rules of verbs, but I did not dare to stop, so I ran quickly towards school.此情此景比学习动词规则有趣多了,可是我不敢逗留,就赶紧朝学校跑去。

5.Children also said it was justified for a husband to be violent towards his wife if she had an affair.孩子们还说,如果妻子有外遇,丈夫对她实行暴力是正当的。

6.If the wind changes and pushes the spck west towards Texas's beaches, that might be manageable.即使风向发生轻微变化,浮油向西漂到数个得州海滩,威胁也或许易于处置。

7.On her way back one of her sisters rushed towards her shouting, 'Tess! Tess! Mother is much better but father is dead! '在回家的路上,她的一个妹妹朝她飞奔而来,叫着:“苔丝!苔丝!妈妈好多了,可是爸爸死了!”

8.Sage that this doesnot meet the human, so began to teach women rule polyandrum, weaving horses to it to behave towards clothes.圣王认为这样不符合人情,所以开始教女子治丝麻、织布匹,以它作人的衣服。

9.He took up a compromising attitude towards the question.他对这个问题采取了妥协的态度。

10.One day in class, it was towards the end of the year, she said, "Did I ever show you guys my trick? "学期快结束的一天,爱波伦丝太太忽然说:“我给你们表演过我的小把戏吗?”