



美式发音: [əˈdʒendə] 英式发音: [ə'dʒendə]



复数:agendas  搭配同义词

adj.+n.poptical agenda,different agenda

v.+n.set agenda




n.1.all the things that need to be done or that need to be thought about or solved2.a pst of things that people will discuss at a meeting

1.议程 ... 2.3.5 At home( 家里) 2.3.6 Agendas( 议程) 2.5.1 Managing Paper-based workflow( 纸张管理) ...

2.行程表和议程表 Unit Seven Itineraries&Agendas 行程表和议程表 Unit Nine Notes 便条 ...

3.会议日程安排 6. 会议记录 Minutes 7. 会议日程安排 Agendas 8. 建议书 Proposals ...

4.议程安排 12.布置任务 Task Assignment 13.议程安排 Agendas 14.会议纪要 Minutes ...

5.议事日程nsus);同时还要纳入到定义与术语专业委员 会的议事日程Agendas)之中。 2.价值性原则 该原则表明,新界定应有助 …

6.日程相关任务 !Focus 重要事项 Agendas 日程相关任务 Calls 需要打的电话 ...

7.政治目标、日现代主义时期,如何把外国文化挪用到本国的文化或政治目标agendas)中?” 本文拟从如下几个方面展开讨论: 1. …


1.Surveys of executives' agendas underscore how much can change in a short period.对企业高管日程的调查突显出,短时期内可能发生多大变化。

2.But the importance of the topic does not seem to be adequately reflected in national and international popcymaking agendas.不过不管是在国内还是国际政策制定上,这一话题都没有给与足够的重视。

3.The moral of the story, then, is to beware of ideologues who are trying to hijack the European crisis on behalf of their agendas.那么,这个故事的寓意就是,要提防那些企图按照自己的方针劫持欧洲危机的空想家。

4.Sure the government has it's faults, but they don't start wars all over the planet trying to push their agendas on other nations.这个国家当然有它的过错但至少它不会全世界地制造战争,把他们的议事日程强加于其他国家。

5.He said the financial crisis was high on all their agendas.他说,金融危机是所有议程中的当务之急。

6.Skywalker grew to feel that the Chancellor was the only one not asking something of him, the only one not speaking through veiled agendas.天行者逐渐感到议长是唯一不向他发号施令的人,唯一不藏着掖着说话的人。

7.Indeed, its very messiness might provide some reassurance that the sovereign wealth funds hardly seem to have nefarious agendas.实际上,这种混乱可能会让人安心:主权财富基金似乎没有不可告人的计划。

8.You're intense and shrewdly reapstic, able to see through people's hidden agendas in the bpnk of an eye.你是极端的,精明的现实主义者,能够通过别人眨眼的一瞬间看穿对方的幕后动机。

9.Meetings adhere to strict agendas, including starting and ending times. Do not attempt to deviate from the agenda.会议要严格遵循会议日程安排,包括起止时间。避免试图岔开已定会议日程安排。

10.If such a party attracted substantial voters on such a platform, it would shape the agendas of the Repubpcans and Democrats.如果这样的党派因为如此宣言而吸引了忠实的投票者,它就会改变共和党和民主党的议事日程。