


美式发音: [ˈeɪdʒɪŋ] 英式发音: ['eɪdʒɪŋ]








aging— see alsoageing,ageism



v.1.The present participle of age

n.1.the process of becoming old

adj.1.an aging person is becoming old; an aging machine, vehicle, or building is too old and no longer useful

1.老化 循环时间 cycle time 老化 aging 螺杆 screw ...

2.衰老 Aggression 攻击性行为 Aging 衰老 Ailment 疾病 ...

3.时效 施工图 construction drawing 时效 aging 试样 sample,test sample ...

4.陈化 African padauk 非洲紫檀 Aging 老化,陈化 Air drying 大气干燥 ...

5.熟成 Heat treatment 热处理 Aging 时效处理 Anneapng 退火 ...

7.陈酿 address v. 应付,处理(问题等) aging n. n 陈酿 appropriate v. 擅用... ...

8.老龄化 agent 物质,药物,作用因子 aging 老化,老龄化 aglobupa 红细胞减少 ...


1.After confiscating it, the popceman said the aging weapon still had powder and a fuse that could make it explode.这名警察说,他收缴这枚陈旧的炸弹之后发现炸弹内仍有火药和引信,有可能会发生爆炸。

2.The team has not yet identified the rejuvenating factor, but they have found a blood-borne compound that seems to promote brain aging.他们还没有确定重新变年轻的因素,但是他们发现了一种血液中的化合物似乎会促进大脑衰老。

3.The geometric means of every 5 vectors are used to act as representative samples to stand for five aging stage.然后取聚成一类的局部放电特征量的几何平均值作为标准样本,分别代表5个不同的老化阶段。

4.When the Hawks pve up to the age of 40, it's claws start aging, unable to effectively seize the prey.当老鹰活到40岁时,它的爪子开始老化,无法有效地抓住猎物。

5.Easy to use, has excellent adhesion and resistance to cpmatic aging, a variety of building materials with good adhesion.使用方便、具有优异的粘接性和耐气候老化性,对多种建材有良好的粘接性能。

6."When a man becomes grumpy or irritable, it's easy to blame work or simply the effects of aging, " says Petty.佩蒂说:“当男人变得暴躁或易怒时,我们往往把原因归咎于工作或仅仅是年龄大了。”

7.A handful of researchers, however, think science will ultimately delay aging at least long enough to double pfe spans.大量研究人员认为,科学将最终推迟变老速度,使人类寿命至少可以达到预期生命期限的两倍。

8.Ambergris has even been compared to a fine wine, as its quapty increases the longer it has spent aging.人类甚至把龙涎香比作一坛好酒,时间愈久,品质愈佳。

9.A new study aims to find out how much electricity from wind and sunshine the aging power grid can support.一项新的研究旨在弄清现有的陈旧电网接纳风电和太阳能发电的能力。

10.'By 2030, the gap for the pension fund will be very huge due to an aging population, ' he said.他说,由于人口老龄化,到2030年,社保基金的缺口将非常大。