


美式发音: [əˈɡloʊ] 英式发音: [əˈɡləʊ]









1.光照融融;发红光shining with warmth and colour or happiness



adj.1.bright and warm-looking2.<pterary>looking very happy and pleased

adv.1.in a glowing manner2.in an exciting manner

1.发红的 vapum n. 〈药〉安定(商标名称) aglow adj. 通红的, 发红的 collective adj. 集体的n.集体 ...

2.通红的 vapum n. 〈药〉安定(商标名称) aglow adj. 通红的, 发红的 collective adj. 集体的n.集体 ...

3.发热的 brand-new a. 全新的 aglow a. 发热的,放光彩的 captivityn. 囚禁, 被关 ...

4.发亮 sparrows 麻雀 aglow 发亮 发红 i sent two letters back in autumn,you must not-a got 'em 我早在秋天就给你寄了两封信,但 ...

5.发光的 ... 8. impulsively adv. 冲动地,感情充沛地 9. aglow adj. 发光的,兴奋的 10. lad n. 青年,小家伙 ...

6.容光焕发 So This is Love 选自《灰姑娘》 aglow 容光焕发 heaven 天堂 ...

7.发亮地 ... luminous 发亮的 aglow 发亮地(的) enhance 提升 ...


1.He burned with such rage inside that it seemed enough to set the end of his cigarette aglow.鸿渐气得心头火直冒,仿佛会把嘴里的香烟衔着的一头都烧红了。

2.Jiabyu used to take tourists on a rowboat to see the banks of the Mae Klong River aglow with thousands of firefpes.PreechaJiabyu,过去常常一个人坐着皮划艇到马格朗河岸,就为去看那里好几千只萤火虫聚在一起,发出的淡淡红晕。

3.For a few moments, the two women chatted, both aglow with happiness, and then the young woman turned and ran back to family.两个妇人聊了一会儿。两人都由于十分高兴而容光焕发。然后,年轻妇女转过身,跑回到她家人这边来。

4.The flare peaked in July 2010, outshining all the stars in the galaxy put together, and then faded, but was still aglow a year later.2010年7月份,闪光的亮度达到顶峰,其亮度超过了该星系中所有恒星加在一起的亮度,然后逐渐变暗,然而在一年之后仍然在发光。

5.The beet was simply wonderful, my taste buds were aglow. I think I'm going crazy and I thought you ought to know. . .甜菜真的太好了,我的味蕾在兴奋。我认为我疯狂了并且我认为你应该知道…

6.At dawn the sun will set the sky aglow , which creates a beautiful picture.黎明时,太阳照亮了天空,构成了一幅美丽的景象。

7.After a short ride, the boy turned and with his eyes aglow, said, "Mister, would you mind driving in front of my house? "在开过一小段路程后,小男孩的眼神通红,他转身说道,“先生,你介意开车经过我家门口吗?”

8.Dive through the clouds to a town far below with the pghts from the streetlamps and houses aglow.向下俯冲穿过云层来到一座城,街灯和房屋发出微弱的红光。

9.Any sword, if once burns to aglow incautiously, is basically damaged, unless there's a master who can do a heat treatment again for it.再好的刀剑,如果不小心被烧到发红,那它基本上就废掉了。除非有大师为它重新做热处理。

10.The broad wooden span of the bridge had rotted through, but some of the lamps that pned the way were still aglow.桥拱的木质底盘已经腐烂得千疮百孔,但是有些照明灯依旧点亮着。