



美式发音: [ˈæɡəni] 英式发音: ['æɡəni]


复数:agonies  同义词反义词





n.1.great pain2.a strong and unpleasant feeling, especially extreme worry or sadness

1.痛苦 ... agitation 激动;煽动 agonies 痛苦;挣扎 alienation 疏远;转向 ...

2.挣扎 ... agitation 激动;煽动 agonies 痛苦;挣扎 alienation 疏远;转向 ...


1.She had upset some boiling oil on her arm and was in agonies of pain.她溅起了一些沸油到她手臂上,感觉到剧烈的疼痛

2.In some of the Greek tragedies there is an attempt to excite compassion, by the representation of the agonies of bodily pain.一些希腊悲剧中的主人公企图通过展示身体的痛苦来换取同情。

3.When I talk about it I feel rather excited at the possibility of going beyond my little world with its problems and agonies.在我谈到这点的时候,我感觉非常兴奋,因为我有可能超越自己充满问题和痛苦的狭隘世界。

4.The arrival of your photograph lets my cabin add many brilliances, your emergence make my ll agonies and worries break up the far away all.你的照片的到来让我的小屋添了许多光彩,你的出现把我所有的烦恼和忧愁都驱散到九霄云外。

5.In Catalonia it is the throbbing cultural and social life of Barcelona that draws the crowds, not the historical agonies.在加泰罗尼亚,是让人的心为之悸动的巴塞罗那文化社会生活吸引着游客,而非其历史的创伤。

6.The agonies of Hercules and Hippolytus are interesting only because we foresee that death is to be the consequence.赫尔克里斯和希波吕托斯这两个人物之所以让人感兴趣是因为我们预知死亡就是他们的结局。

7.He had known only the surface of death, now he was tasting its last, slow agonies.他以前只知道死亡的皮相;现在他尝到了它的最后的、缓慢的痛苦。

8.The death-agonies of the Soviet rouble were painful, but now the Russian currency is one of the most solid in the region.苏联卢布的终结带来了死一般的痛苦,但现在俄罗斯的货币是该地区最稳定坚挺的货币之一。

9.Just with a fun, all of agonies , sadness, and tiredness ever around us are completely vanish, our lives full of energy again.随着一声玩笑,我们所有的苦恼、悲伤和疲劳都会烟消云散,我们再次充满了生机和活力。

10.It faces an agonies in g choice: to back the euro with almost unlimited taxpayers' funds, or risk the break-up of these ingle currency.德国面临着艰难的选择:要么无限量地使用纳税人的资金支持欧元,要么冒着风险与单一货币欧元决裂。