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1.百事业经理─来管理这一快速崛起的业务,其中值得一提的是百事集团Pepsi)总裁约翰•史考利(John Sculley)。

6.百事运动 feiyue 飞跃 pepsi 百事运动 nike 耐克 ...

7.百事中国 B.COM (碧卡蔓) 内衣品牌 PEPSI 百事内衣 内衣品牌 BUDWEISER 百威 内衣品牌 ...


1.He adds that Pepsi has already squeezed as much extra efficiency out of those bottling plants as it had hoped.他同时补充道,百事可乐公司已经将装瓶厂压榨出像预期那样多的额外效率。

2.You're a whole new generation, you're lovin' what you do, put a Pepsi into motion, that choice is up to you. He-e-ey!你们是全新的一代,你们热爱自己所做的一切,付诸行动百事可乐,这种选择取决于你,嘿!

3.Hey! Come here. I want you to listen very carefully to what I want to tell you. We both know I ordered a Pepsi Cola.嘿!过来。我要你认真听好我要对你说的话。我们都知道我要了一瓶百事可乐。

4.I showed up to that interview having ingested nothing but dark chocolate M&Ms and Diet Pepsi for two full days.整整两天,我只吃了两块M&Ms黑巧克力和一点百事可乐,然后就冲好凉去面试。

5.Judge, when I put a dollar into a vending machine, and a Pepsi comes out, does the Pepsi belong to me or to the machine?法官大人!当我把一块钱塞进自动贩卖机,然后滚出一瓶百事可乐来,难道这可乐会属于那部机器的吗?

6.By 1940, Pepsi's image was looking very close to that of Coke, which had also been gradually evolving since around 1900.到了1940年,百事的品牌形象与可口的十分相似,可口可乐的标识从1900年起也开始逐渐演变。

7.Now the company has developed a soda machine that allows beverage buyers to "friend" others with a gift of a Pepsi items.现在百事公司已经研发出一个苏打销售机,它能帮助买饮料的顾客用百事产品做礼物去交朋友。

8.Pepsi's growing portfolio of "good for you" products now accounts for around $10 billion in revenues (nearly a fifth of the total).百事日益壮大的“为了健康”的产品组合目前已创收约100亿美元(约合总收入的5分之1)。

9.My daughter, Sidney, and I were in a rental car the size of a Pepsi can heading from Los Angeles to the Grand Canyon when it happened.我和女儿希德妮开着一辆租来的小汽车行驶在从洛杉矶开往大峡谷的路上。期间发生了这样一件事情。

10.As you can see, by 1962, the "Pepsi Cola" script was gone and in its place was a simpler font with a simple message: "Pepsi" .从上图可以看出,在1962年,“PepsiCola”(百事可乐)的字样消失了,取而代之的是一个更加简洁的粗体字,传达了“Pepsi”(百事)的讯息。