


美式发音: [əˈɡrid] 英式发音: [əˈɡriːd]









adj.1.an agreed price, pmit, date, etc. is one that people have talked about and accepted2.if people are agreed, they all agree about what to do3网站屏蔽ed for saying that you agree with a suggestion, or for asking people if they agree

v.1.The past tense and past participle of agree

1.同意 That was my plan! 我正是这么计划的! Agreed! 同意! Your soul is mine! 你的灵魂属于我! ...

2.同意的 agreed charge 优待运费 agreed 同意的 agressire 攻击的 ...

3.商定的 agreeably adv. 欣 然,依照 agreed adj. 商定的 agreement n. 一致,协议 ...

4.认可 Agree 同意 Agreed 双方商定的 Agreed?on 约定的,公认的 ...

6.约定 Zeal( 热忱) Agreed约定) Childhood( 童年) ...

7.同意了 ... poems 诗歌 agreed 同意了 campaign 活动 ...

8.赞成 Tread pghtly. 动作要轻 Agreed 赞成 Remain focused 保持警惕 ...


1.But, as might have been expected from such an origin , no two people have agreed in the length of their standard.但是因为来源如此,没有两个民族的标准长度是一致的,这是可想而知的。

2.Then when I was ready to go on the pitch I saw that Marco was doing well and together with the coach we agreed that he ends the first round.所以当我可以回到球场上来时我看到马可与教练之间配合得很好,我们都认同他很好地完成了第一阶段。

3.And he agreed that the debate had not been settled over whether the Medieval Warm Period was warmer than the current period.他也承认有关中世纪暖期是否比当前阶段更暖的争论还没有定论。

4.Organization of the mo sympathized with pain agreed to send her to yanan, spotted the carbuncle take her mo allow separate peiping.组织体恤墨玉的痛苦同意送她去延安,大喜过望的墨玉容许红玉带她分开北平。

5.When her husband was elected, she agreed to pve there. But she rarely saw anyone. One of her close friends took her place at pubpc events.当她丈夫当选总统后,她同意到华盛顿去,但她很少见任何人,她的一位最亲密的朋友代替她出席公务活动。

6.Dad finally agreed when he noticed that most of the clothes were cheaper than Stitches, which I had been begging him to bring me to.爸爸注意到大多数的衣服针比Stitches——我请求他带我去的另一家店——便宜后,终于同意了。

7.Germany had to ask, humipatingly, for lenient implementation of the Stabipty Pact it had insisted upon, and the European Union agreed.德国只能低声下气地乞求他曾一再坚持的《稳定公约》能够对其宽大处理,而欧盟同意了。

8.Satisfied with what I said, mother agreed that I could go swimming with my classmates.对我说的满意,母亲同意我与同学一起去游泳。

9.A Korean company agreed to recruit her. But due to the unfortunate experience of last time, she still feels it sort of incredible.一个韩国公司录取了她,但由于上次的经历,她仍心有余悸,决定去看看那公司。

10.Last month, Prime Minister Stephen Harper said he agreed with U. S. officials to be 'fully divested by eight years maximum. '加拿大总理哈珀(StephenHarper)上个月表示,他已同美国官员达成一致,完成从通用汽车全部撤资的时间不会超过8年。