




1.帽子 眼镜 glasses 帽子 a hat 文章 an article ...

2.一顶帽子 a university 一所大学 a hat 一顶帽子 a European 一个欧洲人 ...

3.有沿的帽 a cap( 男帽), a hat有沿的帽), a tie( 领带), ...

4.一个帽子 ... Turn on the cooker 打开电饭煲。 a hat 一个帽子(有边的帽子) a vest 一件 …

5.一个没有帽舌的帽子 8. a cap: 一个有帽舌的帽子 9. a hat: 一个没有帽舌的帽子 10. purple: 紫色 …

6.礼帽 ... a cap 便帽 a hat 礼帽 a tie 领带 ...



1."I don't know what I'm going to do about clothes, " she said one evening when they were together. "I need a hat. " Minnie looked serious.“我不知道我的冬衣怎么办,”一天傍晚她们俩在一起时,她开口说道,“我需要一顶帽子。”敏妮脸色很严肃。

2.And the wind said he was stronger than the sun. Just then they saw a man walking down below, with a hat and a coat on.正吵着,他们看见一个人头戴帽子、身穿外套在下面走着。

3.She was wearing a print dress and a hat with a veil, pke somebody out of a 1940s movie.她穿着印花裙子,带着有面纱的帽子,就像是某个从20世纪40年代的电影中走出来的人物。

4.The baby had picked up the ashtray and put it on her head for a hat and was waiting for praise .孩子把烟灰缸捡起来,放在头上当帽子,正等着表扬她呢。

5.She took out some cloth and turned them into a hat, a handbag, a pair of beautiful shoes and fine clothes.她取出一些布,把它们变成了一顶帽子、一个手提包、一双美丽的鞋和漂亮的衣服。

6.About half-way down it had a circular platform, pke the brim of a hat, set with small propellers.在它与地面的中间有一圆形平台,上面有些小推进器。

7.Luis opened it. In the box there was a band that looked pke a duck. The duck had a hat on its head.路易斯打开它。在方块里面有一个乐队,仿佛变了一个鸭子。鸭子头上有一顶帽子。

8.Prove to me that at least one of them is by scoring a hat-trick today.跟我证明哪一至少他们的其中之一藉由得分一顶帽子-诡计今天。

9.Nine or ten names were drawn out of a hat, and two of them happened to be Andy's and my own.上面以抽签方式选了九或十个人,其中两个正好是安迪和我。

10.His one fashion concession was that he did not wear his fur cap and instead carried a hat of pure white under his arm.唯一一个对装扮的让步就是,他并没有戴着皮帽,而是在手臂上夹着纯白装饰的沿边帽。