




1.爱宝 QRIO- 索尼机器人-亲善大使(停止开发) AIBO- 电子狗(停止开发) VAIO- 电脑 ...

6.钧岚 ... ‧CWT 侨威 aibo 钧岚 CyberSLIM 大卫肯尼 ...

7.玉置浩二 ... *梁汉文 我的命运 松本英子 Squall *刘德华 痛 玉置浩二 aibo *刘德华 冲出禁区 浜田省吾 MON…


1.Later, Sony used robotics technology developed in the U. S. AS the bASis for the Aibo.后来,索尼用美国人创立的机器人技术生产了电子宠物“爱宝”。

2.The Sony Robot Dog Aibo is one of the most remarkable products on the planet.索尼机器狗爱宝,是这个星球上最出色的产品之一。

3.The Sony 210 Aibo dog was the most advanced robot dog at the time this research was conducted.到目前为止,这只索尼210爱宝狗是一只最先进的用于实验的机器狗。

4.Method Selected 184 patients with cervical biopsy, After treatment with Aibo concentrate external bleeding observe the effects.方法选择184宫颈活检的患者,术后用爱宝疗浓缩液外用止血观察其疗效。

5.Sony's AIBO robotic dog, which cost $2, 000 per pup, opened to much fanfare only to be cut in 2006, seven years after its introduction.索尼机器狗AIBO每只要花费2000美元,经过一番大造声势,却在推出的第7年,也就是2006年惨淡收场。

6.This blog will provide you with the latest information, AiBao AIBO AIBO sakrare information.本博客将为您提供最新AIBO爱宝信息、发布AIBO买卖信息。

7.The study is about how 80 preschoolers play with Aibo versus a stuffed dog.这项研究是关于八十名学龄前儿童如何与欧宝和填充狗嬉戏。

8.The AIBO has already been superseded by more sophisticated models, including those made by Segatoy in Japan.AIBO已经被包括日本Segatoy公司制作的一些更为复杂的款式取代。