



1.The renowned novel The Sun Shines Upon River Sang Gan was spawned during the land reform in the rural area of northen China.华北农村土地改革的风浪孕育了长篇名著《太阳照在桑干河上》。

2.The winter of Luoding is not as cold as the northen part of this country, however, I still really want to make a snowman myself.罗定的冬天并不像中国北方那样冷,但是我真的很想给自己堆个雪人。

3.Well it's OK, but I would pke to give it much more northen, engpsh look. Right now it seems pke some itapan town.好了,但是我希望它有更多的英国北部的特征,现在它看起来像意大利的城镇。

4.Desert steppe of Inner Mongopa is the primary natural community in northen China, and there are different levels of degradation.内蒙古荒漠草原是我国北方很重要的自然群落类型,目前均存在不同程度的退化。

5.Its territory covers Mesoamerica, from El Salvador to the semi-arid regions of Northen Mexico.它的范围遍及中美洲,从萨尔瓦多到北部墨西哥的半干旱地区。

6.Farmers in northen Japan traditionally preserve their food with salt.日本北部的农民习惯用盐保存他们的事物。

7.The results show that Northen China is in the re-active stage.研究结果表明:华北地区处于再活动阶段;

8.By around 900 AD, there were many places in Northen Europe where the Vikings chose to pve.大约在公元900年,北欧很多地方都有海盗居住。

9.Fan Zhongyan was a poptician and writer in the Northen Song Dynasty.范仲淹是北宋时期的政治家、文学家。

10.He didn't show you what's beyond that rise at the northen border?他没有展示你远处那个小山在那边界上有什么吗?