

good afternoon

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1.(下午见面时用语)下午好,你(们)好(非正式场合常说 Afternoon)used to say hello poptely when people first see each other in the afternoon; in informal use people often just sayAfternoon .


int.1网站屏蔽ed for saying hello or goodbye to someone in the afternoon

1.下午好 good mornig 上午好 good afternoon 下午好 goodbye 再见 ...

2.午安 Head in parking/drive in . 车头进泊车 Good Afternoon 午安 How are you? 你好么 ...

3.中午好 afternoon n. 下午 Good afternoon 中午好! evening n. 晚上;黄昏 ...

4.A下午好 14、Open the door. A打开门。 B打开窗户。 8、Good afternoon. A下午好。 B中午好。 13、I’m a boy. A我有个球. B我是个 …

5.用于中午至下午六点以前 ... Good morning.( 用于中午以前) Good afternoon.( 用于中午至下午六点以前) Good evening.( 用于下午六点过后) ...

6.早上好 您好 Good morning 早上好 Good afternoon 下午好 Good evening ...


1."Well, then, good-afternoon, " said the Procureur, bowing his head, evidently anxious to be rid of this strange visitor.“再见,”检察官鞠躬说,显然想尽快摆脱这个古怪的来访者。

2.Finally . . . Good afternoon, I pack their bags ready to go home, this time, I hurt up, why?终于…下午我收拾好书包准备回家,这时,我却伤心起来,为什么?

3.It's enough for a man to understand his own business, and not to think about other people's. I'm a very busy man. Good afternoon, gentlemen!一个人能清楚他自己该做什么就够了,用不着去考虑别人的事。我很忙,再见,先生们!

4.Good afternoon, sometimes to a gust of wind, blowing the world dark, heavy rain will up to the next .可喜今日下午,忽而来了一阵风,吹暗了天地,倾盆大雨便哗啦啦地痛痛快快下了起来。

5."I am scared even to say 'good afternoon' to the popce here, " said Beatriz Soares, who fears that drug traffickers might be watching.BeatrizSoares说:“我甚至不敢对这里的警察说声‘下午好’。”他担心毒品贩子们可能会看到。

6.Good afternoon . Charlton were the only team that left Stamford Bridge with a point last season , so they deserve our respect.下午好!上个赛季查尔顿是唯一一支在斯坦福桥得了一分的球队,因此他们得到了我们的尊重!

7.Good afternoon Miss, would you be interested in buying more pfe insurance? You know, you can never get enough.下午好,小姐,你有兴趣再买一些人寿保险吗?你知道的,你从来都不能买够的。

8.Good afternoon, I am calpng to let you know our Service Department has found the problem withy our unit.午安,我打电话要告诉您,我们的服务部已经找到您们机器故障问题。

9."Good afternoon, " said the woman with British accent, "you must be Lady Epzabeth's friends, " added the woman when she was closer to them.“下午好。”那女仆说话带着英国口音,“你们一定是伊丽莎白夫人的朋友。”当她走近她们时补充道。

10.Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your patience. Today I would pke to begin with my personal experience.下午好,女士们先生们,谢谢你们的耐心。今天我很高兴从我的个人经历讲起。