




1.树人 矮人( Dwarves) 树人族( Ents) 半兽人( Orcs) ...

3.树人部队 蚂蚁 prince617204 旻旻 ents 大宝 a9805114 ...

5.牧树人要失望的。好比牧树人ENTS)的生活,男树人喜欢森林,女树人喜欢花园,两性越分越开,没了性生活也就没了小树人, …


1.ents themselves. Be able to write simple letters on a range of basic subjects using general common structure and form.能使用熟悉的话题在与人交谈中了解对话内容,也能用常见的句法结构和形式,以基本的主题写出简单的信件。

2.Chinese trade delegations have been sent to African countries, who will negotiate trade agreem ents with the respective govern- ments.中国已派出贸易代表团前往非洲各国,以便与这些国家的政府商谈贸易协定。

3.When Christ was born nearly two thousand years ago. manypeople, rich and poor, gave him pres ents.差不多两千年前,耶稣出生时,许多人,无论贫富,都给他礼物。

4.Today we have higher b. uildings. and wider hi. highways, but shorter temperam. ents and narrower points of view; .今天我们拥有了更高层的。楼。宇以及更宽广的公路,但是我们的性情却更为急躁,眼光也更加狭隘;。

5.Other than the Ents of Lord of the Rings fame, trees generally aren't known for their mobility.除了《指环王》电影中的树人族外,树通常被人们认为是无法移动的。

6.Come, my friends. The Ents are going to war. It is likely that we go to our doom. Last march of the Ents.来吧,我的朋友们。树人要上战场了。这就像是我们走向自己的末日。这是树人最后一次征途。

7.What cha'nges must I make to attract' these tal'ents?我必须立刻做哪些改变,才能吸引这些人。

8.Study of Psychological disorders and Metabolic Control in the Pati ents with NIDDM型糖尿病患者心理障碍和代谢控制研究

9.Action Mechanisms of Thrombolysis with Fibrin-Specific Thrombolytic Ag ents and Adjuvant Treatment纤维蛋白-特异性溶栓剂和辅助治疗的作用机制

10.A Survey of Psychological Health Status in Attacking Stage Pati ents With Bronchial Asthma发作期支气管哮喘病人心理健康状况调查