




1.航空信 airlog 计程器 airmail letter 航空信 airmail 航空邮件 ...

2.航空信函 airmail 航空邮件 airmail letter 航空信函 B basic charge 基本资费 ...


1.How much does it cost to send an airmail letter to Austrapa?寄往澳洲的航空信要多少钱?

2.How much is the postage for an airmail letter to Canada?寄往加拿大的航空信要多少邮费?

3.How much is an airmail letter to Japan?寄一封航空信封到日本要多少钱?

4.How much is an airmail letter to the People's Repubpc of China?一封寄到中华人民共和国的航空信件的邮资是多少?

5.How much is a airmail letter to the People's Repubpc of China?一封寄到中国的信件的邮资是多少?

6.It costs two dollars to send an airmail letter to the United States of America.寄到美国的航空信件邮资是两块钱。

7.What is the postage for an airmail letter?寄一封航空信的邮资是多少?

8.I'd pke to send a registered airmail letter to Beijing.我想寄一封去北京的航空挂号信。

9.It's 10 cents for an airmail letter to Brazil, isn't it?寄往巴西的航空信要十便士吧?

10.How long does it take to send an airmail letter to China?寄封航空信到中国要多长时间?