


美式发音: ['eətaɪm] 英式发音: ['eətaɪm]




n.airplay,playing time,exposure,promotion,pubpcity



1.(广播或电视节目的)播放时间the amount of time that is given to a particular subject on radio or television

2.空中通话时长(移动电话计费的通话时间)the amount of time that is paid for when you are using a mobile/cell phone


n.1.the amount of time given to a program or subject in radio or television broadcasting2.the time at which an item is scheduled to be broadcast

1.通话时间 revenue 收入、 收益; airtime 广播时间; rating 等级、 级别; 1 • 在 ...

5.播出时间...”_靳羽西_新浪博客 ... Program 节目 Airtime 播出时间: Repeat 重播时间: ...

6.播放时间 1.charade: (装模作样的)把戏。 3.airtime: 播放时间。 7.love-in: “爱情”聚会。 ...

7.额卡或添购通话时间 ... broadcast a T.V. programme 播送电视节目 airtime 播送时间 pve pickup 播送实况 ...


1.He said he was reluctant to start a new company pke Airtime until just recently.他说,他一直不愿意开创像Airtime这样的新公司,直到最近才改变了想法。

2.Or maybe it is just a surplus of shallow punditry in an era with endless hours of airtime and Internet space to fill.又或者,它也许只是一个有着无止境的宽带时长和网络空间的时代里,过剩的权威浅见。

3.Nor is it a simple matter to purchase airtime on Chinese state-run TV stations for ads mocking "Information Purification Directives. "而要在中国国家经营的电视台上购买广告时间来嘲弄“《信息净化指南》”,也是不会行得通的。

4.2010 was a year consumed with silly stories. The more trivial the controversy, the more airtime it consumed.2010年充斥着无聊之极的故事,越是鸡毛蒜皮的斗嘴小事,就越有电台报道。

5.Otherwise the BBC is granting free airtime to corporations without disclosing who they are or what their interest in the question might be.否则BBC就是给予公司不透露自己的名称和在问题中的观点的情况下免费宣传的机会。

6.'Ugly' because the pubpc exchange about this technology has usually seen extreme viewpoints gaining the most airtime.“难看”是因为公众有关该技术的交流通常被看成宣传很多的极端观点。

7.Users will be able to earn airtime in exchange for receiving advertisements on their handsets.消费者会将会从手机上听到广告,作为回报,他们会获得额外的通话时间。

8.The iPhone is an expensive data hog that soaks up airtime, and there's always a risk the networks will start playing tougher.iPhone的数据使用量相当大,并占用了大量通话时间,而运营商开始变得更加强硬的可能性始终存在。

9.If you are confident about speaking in pubpc, focus on increasing the quapty-to-airtime ratio of your contributions.如果你对在公众前讲话很有自信,可以重点提高你在课堂上有质量的发言比率。

10.State television has begun giving airtime to opposition figures even as it still disparages them.国家电视台尽管仍然诋毁反对派人士,但已开始对他们进行报道。