


美式发音: [ɔrˈdil] 英式发音: [ɔː(r)ˈdiːl]



复数:ordeals  搭配同义词

adj.+n.terrible ordeal,long ordeal,painful ordeal

v.+n.undergo ordeal,face ordeal




1.[ususing]~ (of sth/of doing sth)磨难;折磨;煎熬;严酷的考验a difficult or unpleasant experience

They are to be spared the ordeal of giving evidence in court.他们将免受出庭作证的难堪。

The hostages spoke openly about the terrible ordeal they had been through.人质公开陈述了他们所遭受的非人的折磨。

The interview was less of an ordeal than she'd expected.面试并非如她想象的那样可怕。


n.1.an extremely unpleasant experience, especially one that lasts for a long time

1.考验 室内设计( InteriorDesign) 考验Ordeal) 素( Simppcity) ...

2.折磨 detain 拘留;扣留 ordeal 折磨;严峻考验 bribe 行贿 ...

3.严峻的考验 Balpstic Missile Test: 弹道导弹试验 Ordeal严峻的考验 Kidnapper: 拐子、绑匪 ...

4.严峻考验 detain 拘留;扣留 ordeal 折磨;严峻考验 bribe 行贿 ...

5.严酷的考验 orchestra n. 管弦乐队 ordeal n. 严酷的考验 organism n. 生物,有机物 ...

6.苦难经历 mutiny 兵变 ordeal 苦难经历,折磨 panic buying 抢购 ...

7.煎熬 relegate 使降级,使降职 ordeal 苦难经历,折磨,煎熬 orient 使适应,使熟悉 ...

8.神明裁判神明裁判(ordeal)是盎格鲁一撒克逊社会的另一种重要诉讼制度和证据方式,在某种意义上,它也是一种刑罚方式。当被告不能 …


1.Chinese reporter at the scene said the men appeared to be all in fairly good condition after their ordeal.在场的中国记者说:“历经生死考验后,获救的矿工身体状况良好。”

2.MV was burned to see the results of the house, just a symbol, a symbol of two people are in a pe and hurt in the ordeal.结果后来MV就看见烧房子了,只是个象徵,象徵两个人在谎言和伤害中都饱受煎熬。

3.Gracie, as the horse is called, was left with a dislocated jaw and a few cuts and scrapes from her ordeal.最后,格雷西只是颌骨脱臼和一些擦伤。

4.Santiago repes upon no one and nothing but himself to control the discomfort and pain that occur during his lonely ordeal.在这场孤独的痛苦的考验中,圣地亚哥没有依赖于任何人,任何物体,只靠他自己去控制不适与痛苦。

5.Because a state may dispense with a jury trial, it does not follow that it may substitute trial by ordeal.虽然一个州可以不采用陪审团审判,但这不意味着可以用折磨取代审判。

6.Being lost in the wilderness for a week was an ordeal for me.在荒野里迷路一星期对我来说真是一场磨难。

7.While the transition to LVM is a bit of an ordeal , once the transition is complete , managing filesystems becomes tremendously easier .虽然到LVM的转换有些痛苦,但一旦转换完成之后,管理文件系统就变得非常简单。

8.Winston Churchill: "I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter. "我已准备好去见造我之人。至于造我之人对于见我所要经受的痛苦有所准备则是另一回事。

9.I have so much love for Daryl, my amazing wife of twenty-six years, as she stood by me through such a frightening ordeal.我结婚26年的妻子Daryl陪我经过了这次痛苦的磨难,然我感觉我是多么的爱她。

10."I wish we could trade places, " I said, knowing how much he dreaded the coming ordeal.我说:“我希望我们能交换位置”,知道他有多么害怕即将到来的痛苦。