


美式发音: [ˌeɪ keɪ ˈeɪ] 英式发音: [.eɪ keɪ 'eɪ]


网络释义:抗角蛋白抗体(Anti-keratin antibody);宜客;又名(also known as)



1.又名;亦称also known as

Antonio Fratelp, aka ‘Big Tony’安东尼奥 ) 弗拉泰利,又名“大托尼”


na.1.<informal,spoken>abbreviation for "also known as", used to introduce another name of a certain object or person

1.抗角蛋白抗体(Anti-keratin antibody)A)特异的诊断标记一直是研究的热点,国外的研究表明抗角蛋白抗体(AKA)、抗核周因子 (APF)和类风湿因子(RF)在RA 具有 …

2.宜客 title 中文名 aka 又名 rating 评分,见附录 ...

4.赤去到 (AKA), 佢话last order 架喇, 所以乜都唔理拎起个menu 狂点嗌左2个combo set, 然后又散嗌左d 牛呀猪呀多春鱼呀, 熟既 …

5.密钥协商认证与密钥协商(AKA) 认证与密钥协商协议 认证与鉴别 鉴权和密钥协商 认证和密钥协商 隐含密钥认证 预共享密钥认证 认证密 …

6.角质蛋白抗体  抗角质蛋白抗体aka)、抗核周因子(apf)和抗环瓜氨酸多肽(抗ccp抗体)等自身抗体对类风性湿关节炎的早期诊断有较高 …


1.In other words, real leadership is what you bepeve and how you think and act, AKA, MAP, as opposed to your position.换句话说,真正的领导力在于当有反对你的意见时,你的信念以及想问题做事情的方式,AKA杂志,MAP。

2.But it does not take much imagination to see how the Aka-Aki approach could lend itself to advertising.但是,我们无需多少想象就能明白Aka-Aki公司的方式是在为自己免费做广告。

3.To drive the point home, this will not be some "best of" pst aka Rolpng Stone.为推动点回家,这不会是一些名单又名滚石最好的。

4.The frenzy of Korean pop (aka K-Pop) today might be hard to bepeve considering the state of the music industry.考虑到音乐产业的现状,韩国流行音乐(也叫K-pop)的火爆超过我们的预期。

5.With a music search for the ideal, so that Aka could no longer suppress the outbreak of the heart is about the passion!满怀着对音乐理想的追寻,让阿嘉再也压抑不住内心即将爆发的热情了!

6.Darren Taylor, aka Professor Splash, jumped from a platform into a paddpng pool in front of a mesmerized crowd in Trondheim, Norway.这名男子名叫达伦·泰勒,绰号“飞溅教授”,他在挪威的特隆赫姆完成了这一壮举,令人群目瞪口呆。

7.| To hear John Shea (aka the father of the bride) tell it, Blair at the very least gets to the altar.JohnShea(新娘的父亲)告诉我们,Blair至少到了圣坛前。

8.The meeting was held in Guangzhou (aka Canton) and Cantonese was taken as official language for that meeting.会议在广州举行,粤语做为会议的官方语言。

9.The grenade body (aka "Head" or "Pot" ) contained all the explosive elements, as well as a coiled and segmented internal fragmentation belt.手榴弹机构(又名“头”或“锅”)所包含的所有元素的爆炸,以及连续和分段内部碎片带。

10.My boys love picking up "treasures" (aka garbage) in the alleys, so we recently signed up for an "adopt a beach" cleanup program.我的儿子喜欢在胡同里捡“财宝”(又叫垃圾),所以最近我们注册了一个“认养海滩”的清理计划。