




1.瑞轩...私人讯息 引用连结 载入图片 elep1234…

2.瑞轩科技 logitech revue 改装 vizio 电视 trello 团队 ...

4.瑞旭《日经电子》特约记者台北科技市场研究分析师大槻智洋认为,...如瑞旭(VIZIO)大陆电视品牌手机品牌等。他为此 …

5.智慧进化 [HERAN 禾联] [VIZIO 智慧进化] [LG 决胜画质] ...


7.瑞轩电视虎早在一年前就宣布进军网络电视领域,与索尼、三星、瑞轩电视(VIZIO)以及LG等公司展开合作,开发软件使用户通过电视 …

8.瑞轩集团以生产液晶电视著称的台湾瑞轩集团Vizio)准备在今年圣诞假期大举进入家用电脑市场,推出分别配置24寸和27寸1080p高 …


1.Vizio Inc. says they use a new technology that will show fpcker-free images that are brighter than those of many other TVs on the market.该公司称,他们使用了一种新技术,将可播放无闪烁的图像,比市场上很多其它电视的图像都要明亮。

2.As for the Vizio, it's part of a new pneup of 3-D televisions that will start at less than $300 for the smallest 22-inch model.至于Vizio推出的产品,则是3-D电视中的一个新成员,最小尺寸为22英寸,上市售价将低于300美元。

3.Other TV manufacturers including Samsung, Sony, LG, and VIZIO introduced sets with Yahoo widget technology integrated into their products.包括三星、索尼、LG和VIZIO等其他电视厂商也推出了整合雅虎widget技术的产品。

4.Microsoft, Vizio and Sony also have the resources to become major players in the tablet arena.微软、瑞轩和索尼同样具备成为平板电脑市场有力竞争者的能力。

5.The new platform will be featured on new 47- and 55-inch HDTV sets at CES, as well as a new Vizio smartphone and tablet.这个新的平台将会是在CES展上展出的Vizio智能手机、平板电脑和47,55英寸HDTV电视机的重要特性。

6.Zoning In Learning to focus lets a kid wearing the BodyWave armband move an onscreen building. Courtesy Vizio戴着BodyWave臂带的小孩通过移动银幕上的建筑物来学习集中注意力

7.Prices: The Mitsubishi is expected to cost from $5, 000 to $6, 000. The Vizio is expected to start at under $300 for a 22-inch model价格:三菱的这款3-D电视售价预计在5,000至6,000美元,而Vizio有望推出不到300美元的22英寸3-D电视。

8.Mitsubishi 92-Inch 3-D TV and Vizio Theater 3D三菱92寸3-D电视和Vizio3-D家庭影院