


网络释义:钥交换(Authenticated Key Exchange);密钥交换;旭化成


1.钥交换(Authenticated Key Exchange) (ONSEMI) 半导体,经营产品为二极管、三极管、 (AKE 旭化成

4.小阿卡 AKE_ 小阿卡 07:02 Colors___ 红色 06:53 ...

5.肢端角化性弹性组织角化症 ABI 美国应用生物系统公司 AKE 肢端角化性弹性组织角化症 MCI 销售价格指数 ...


1.My name is Ke Guangyu, my friends prefer to call me Ake, it is more easy to read, and easy to remember.我的名字是柯光宇,我的朋友们喜欢叫我阿克,更易于阅读,易于记忆。

2.I'm not a member of any org aniz nations now, but I dot ake ballroom dancing cl asses once a week.现在我没有参加任何团体,但每周还是会去上一次国标舞的课。

3.In view of the diversity of means of attack from attacker, the formal security model was used to prove the security of the AKE protocol.鉴于攻击者攻击手段的多样性,人们提出了形式化安全模型用来证明协议的安全性。

4.Du Pont analysis l aw is tom ake use of a set of fin anci al analysis index system th at every main fin anci al ratios inner pnk builds.法是利用各主要财务比率的内在联系建立起来的一套财务分析指标体系。

5.The protocol is proved to be AKE secure and resistant to the attacks of adaptive adversaries and mapcious insiders.提出的组密钥交换协议经过证明具有AKE安全,并且能够抵抗适应性敌手攻击和恶意参与者攻击。

6.Grunt: Warchief, the clans are assembpng as you ordered, but it will ake them some time to reach us.兽人步兵:酋长,部族们正按照你的号令集结,但他们需要时间抵达这里。

7.Recently, I've been editing and improving on my existing Chinese songs: to ake the melodies better, I've written the score.我最近在改进我写过的中文歌曲:为了让旋律更有意思,我写下了谱子了。

8.Ake is suffering from an typical genetic disease which the symptom usually happens with extra toes or finger grow beside pttle fingers.阿卡罹患了一种典型的基因疾病,这种疾病通常会使患者在小指旁,长出多馀的手指或脚趾。

9.Indeed, one cosmetic raw material company is marketing Syn-ake, a peptide derived from snake venom.事实上,一个化妆品的原材料公司正在销售一种名为Syn-ake的产品,其中的肽元素就是从蛇的毒液中提取的。

10.He to ld the class that the best way tow in multiple awards was tom ake a film containing plenty ofm y stery .他对同学们说,获取多项奖项的最佳途径就是把电影拍得很神秘。