


美式发音: 英式发音: [ˈælbətɔl]





1.阿尔贝托 Alain Delon 阿兰·德龙 Alberto 雅涛 Albion 澳尔滨 ...

4.阿尔伯托 饰演 阿德里亚洛 Adriano 饰演 阿尔伯托 Alberto 饰演 莉维亚 Livia ...

5.奥博托 Ginobilly 吉诺比利 阿根廷 Alberto 奥博托 阿根廷 Delfino 德尔菲诺 阿根廷 ...

6.阿尔贝多市长阿尔贝多Alberto)偕夫人都来参加义诊仪式。市长致词时也说,村民为了迎接这一次的义诊 盛事,早在十五天前即开始 …


1.Her father, Alberto Bachelet, was an Air Force general who supported Salvador Allende's Sociapst regime.她的父亲艾伯特·巴切莱特是一名支持萨尔瓦多·阿连德社会主义政权的空军上将。

2.Alberto Paloschi wasn't meant to be here. It seems to be his destiny, as he has scored in all three of the official games he has played in.阿尔伯托-帕洛斯本来不会出场的。现在看起来这就是他的命运,因为他参加的三场正式比赛全部进球了。

3.The system, which had maximum sustained wind near 35 mph, would be named Alberto if it reaches the 39 mph threshold for a tropical storm.此次飓风的最大风速已接近时速35米,当它达到时速39米时将被命名为Alberto做为此季热带风暴的开端。

4.Milan have bought Parma out for Alberto Paloschi, sending him to Genoa in a co-ownership deal, and loaned Bruno Montelongo to Bologna.米兰从帕尔玛买断了帕罗斯基,然后以共有方式把他送到热那亚,并且租借蒙特隆戈去了博洛尼亚。

5.Grandpa: Alberto. He said, the first chance the gringo gets, he will leave her. Exact words.祖父:阿尔贝托。他说,那小子一有机会就会离开她的。不出所言。

6.Then Alberto sends her a video that shows him in present day Athens and somehow he seems to go back in time to ancient Athens.然后阿尔贝托寄给她的视频,显示他在雅典和当今不知他似乎回到了古代雅典的时间。

7.He'd kill people, offhand, just to see if he might get Alberto, or one of his family.毫无准备的,他已经杀了人了,尽管他只是想看看能不能遇到阿尔贝托或者是他的某个家人。

8.I know that Alberto: he's a crook. He betrayed me, for next to nothing he made me make a fool of myself with a woman.我很了解那个家伙:他就是一个骗子,他背叛了我,他让我在一个女人面前就像是个傻瓜,几乎一文不值。

9."It was a great start for us and some great build-up play between Dirk and Alberto Aquilani, " he said.“库伊特和阿奎拉尼之间的配合帮助我们顺利取得了良好的开局,”他说道。

10.At a morning press conference, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said he bepeves the man is a member of the notorious Al-gebra movement.在上午召开的记者招待会上,司法部部长冈萨雷斯说,他相信该名男子是臭名昭著的基地组织的成员。