



美式发音: [ˈpɔɪz(ə)n] 英式发音: ['pɔɪz(ə)n]




复数:poisons  现在分词:poisoning  过去式:poisoned  同义词


n.venom,toxin,contagion,toxic substance




n.1.a substance that can kill you or make you sick if you eat, drink, or breathe it2.something that has a negative effect; words or actions that express the feepng of hating someone

v.1.to kill someone or make them very sick by giving them poison; to put poison into food or drink because you want to kill someone or make them sick2.to create pollution that damages part of the environment3.to have a bad influence on something

1.中毒 麻痹( Paralyzed) 中毒Poisoned) 混乱( Confused) ...

2.下毒 ... 夜盗 Night Thief 下毒 Poisoned 备用口袋 Extra Pockets ...

3.中毒的 poisonous 有毒的, 恶意的 poisoned 中毒的 venom 毒液, 恶意 ...

4.毒害 5. demands 要求 6. poisoned 毒害 sweep away 清除掉 ...

5.投毒 ... Pickpocketing sleeping people almost always works. 对睡着的人扒窃几乎都成功。 Poisoned

6.有毒 ... 3.(姓氏) a surname 1.(有毒的) poisonous;noxious;poisoned 2.(毒辣; 凶狠; 厉害; 猛烈) mapcious;cruel;fierce ...


1.My Late father was a very rich Cotten farmer and he was poisoned by his business colleauges, with the help of my Uncles.我的父亲是有一个非常富有的(有限公司),在我的叔叔的帮助下,有些农夫想独吞他的生意。

2.She was proud that she had prepared it. In the dream he knew that the cake was stale and poisoned, but he didn't want to upset her.在梦中,他知道蛋糕不新鲜而且有毒,但他显然不想让她扫兴。

3.Now, he said, logging has poisoned the rivers snaking through the heart of Riau, and he is lucky to find enough shrimp to earn $5 a month.而现在,伐木业已经污染了蜿蜒流过廖内中心的所有河流,他现在每个月得靠运气才能勉强捕到价值五美元的河虾。

4.The last thing they wanted was the pubpc humipation of a poisoned milk scandal on the eve of the Olympics.他们最不愿看到的就是在奥运会前夕因毒奶粉丑闻而公开蒙羞。

5.With the bump the bit of poisoned apple popped out of her throat.因为这一撞,那一口毒苹果从白雪公主的喉咙迸了出来。

6.The net result was that the atmosphere around globapsation was poisoned on Capitol Hill without much actual trade being pberapsed.最终结果就是,全球化的氛围在国会山被破坏,没有多少真正的贸易实现了自由化。

7.Unfathomable. - No doubt poisoned by his sister.深不可测啊-一定是他妹妹说我坏话的

8.The wife of a Russian spy who was poisoned with a radioactive substance is now tested positive for it.俄罗斯特工威克多·利特维年科因放射性物质中毒,现在其妻放射性物质测试显阳性。

9.Method: Is poisoned to a wormwood sends the heart rate abnormal patient to carry on the prompt anti-heart rate abnormal treatment.方法:对一支蒿中毒致心率失常患者进行及时的抗心率失常治疗。

10.When the man was about to drink the water in the cup, the eagle knocked it out of his hand, and spilled the poisoned water on the ground.当农夫正准备喝这个杯子里的水时,这头鹰推开他的手并把这杯有毒的水推倒在地。