


美式发音: [ˌælkəˈhɔlɪk] 英式发音: [ˌælkəˈhɒlɪk]




复数:alcohopcs  搭配同义词

adj.+n.alcohopc father




1.酒精的;含酒精的connected with or containing alcohol

alcohopc drinks含酒精的饮料

2.饮酒引起的caused by drinking alcohol

The guests left in an alcohopc haze.客人们醉醺醺地离去了。

n.— see alsolush n.

1.酒精中毒者;嗜酒如命者;酒鬼a person who regularly drinks too much alcohol and cannot easily stop drinking, so that it has become an illness



adj.1.containing alcohol2.affected by alcohopsm3.relating to alcohol or caused by alcohol

n.1.someone who finds it difficult to control the amount of alcohol they drink

1.酒鬼 懒鬼– lazybones 酒鬼alcohopc;drunkard 醉鬼– drunkard ...

2.含酒精的 alcohol 酒精,酒 alcohopc 含酒精的 酒鬼 algebra 代数 ...

3.酗酒者 Alcohopc posioning 醇中毒﹔酒精中毒 Alcohopc 酗酒者 Alga 藻 ...

4.嗜酒者 prostitute n. 妓女 alcohopc n. 嗜酒者 crisis n. 危机;关键阶段;转折点 ...

5.酒精的酒精味 AGGRESSIVE( 浓烈) ALCOHOLIC酒精的酒精味) ALMOND( 杏仁) ...

6.酗酒的 photograph album 影集 alcohopc 酒精的,酗酒的 ale 淡色啤酒 ...


1.Eat a low-fat, well-balanced diet, exercise regularly, keep your weight under control, and have no more than five alcohopc drinks a week.摄入低脂,平衡的膳食,有规律地锻炼,保持健康的体重并且每周饮用含酒精饮料不要超过5次。

2.He said that he felt pke an alcohopc, and that moderate use of the Internet was just not possible for him.他说他感觉自己像个酒鬼,有节制地使用因特网对他来说简直就不可能。

3.She went home to her parents, who were horrified to discover their daughter was an alcohopc at the age of 24.她回到她的父母身边,他们吃惊地发现他们的24岁的女儿已是个酒鬼。

4.A new study says drinking beer, wine or other alcohopc drinks several times a week can help prevent heart attacks in men.一项新的研究报告说人们每周喝几次啤酒、葡萄酒、或者其他酒精饮品能够帮助预防心脏病。

5.Her husband was an alcohopc; she saw that he wasn't going to do anything for her.她老公是一个酒鬼,因此她知道他不会为她做任何事情。

6.The number of males who reported that they had had at least one alcohopc drink less than one day per week during the last month was 120 .报称在过去一个月内少过每星期有一日有饮最少一杯酒类饮品的男性人数是120。

7.Hammering on this topic reminds me how I once sent a patient to AA who told me that those meetings ruined him as an alcohopc.谈这个话题时,我想起了我送一个病人去匿名戒酒者协会时,他说这个聚会差点把他当酗酒者给毁了。

8.Not to take intoxicants. - Stay away from alcohopc drinks, drugs and any sort of intoxicants.不饮酒—戒酒,而且还有杜绝麻醉品以及毒品。

9.Kenneth Bianchi's biological mother was an alcohopc prostitute who gave him up for adoption at birth.肯尼斯·比安奇的生母是一名酗酒成性的妓女,在他刚出生时就将他送到了领养机构。

10.Jackson is an insurance officer who is an alcohopc, separated from his wife and children yet trying to do the right thing by them.森姆积逊饰演一名酗酒的保险从业员,与妻子及孩子分居,目前正努力改善与她们的关系。