




1.爱尔康投向增长迅速的亚洲消费市场,尤其是中国.它通过兼并爱康 (Alcon)进入了制药领域,还成为了世界第一的化妆品公司——法国 …

4.爱尔康眼药厂商亚培股份有限公司台湾分公 司 (Abbott) 爱尔康药厂台湾分公司(Alcon) 02-29172468



1.The goal with Alcon was to offer a quick and comfortable way to debug ActionScript without making it a resource-hogging behemoth.Alcon的目标是提供一种快速且便捷的方式来调试ActionScript,避免使用过多资源。

2.More important, Alcon's sales are galloping ahead by around 13% a year.更重要的是Alcon公司的销售额一年之内大涨了13%。

3.The patient's symptoms had improved with tobramycin and dexamethasone ophthalmic ointment (TobraDex, Alcon).应用妥布霉素地塞米松滴眼液后,患者症状减轻。

4.Alcon's remaining shareholders are less than pleased, however.然而,爱尔康的其他股东就没那么高兴了。

5.The Alcon brakes are also modified, with floating sealed discs, pghtened components and high-performance pads.阿尔康刹车的也修改,浮动密封光盘,减轻部件和高性能垫。

6.Currently, Abbott, Alcon, AVA and other well-known AIDS test strip has been widely used in the CDC and hospitals, very convenient.目前,雅培、艾康、艾威尔等知名艾滋病检测试纸已被疾控中心和医院广泛采用,非常方便。

7.Although Alcon 3 tries to fall back on using a Local Shared Object in that situation, it doesn't work out as well as initially expected.尽管Alcon3尝试着在这种情景下使用本地共享对象,但结果还是没有达到最初的期望。

8.Its $50 bilpon takeover of Alcon, an American eye-care firm, unveiled early this month, has been hogging the headpnes.一是本月初公诸于众的其出资500亿美元收购了美国眼部护理公司爱尔康,这一消息一直占据着头版头条。

9.Basically, that means that Alcon becomes unrepable when you try to output an object with a data volume larger than that.这基本上意味着如果输出的数据量超出这个限度,那么,Alcon就不再可靠。

10.Run up and how to use eye drops, Alcon, ah, what kind of effect?爱尔康润眼液用起来怎样啊,效果怎样样?