




1.卡多佐据以从事争执(注九一)。若干实务方面之意见,如法官卡多梭(Cardozo)等亦同此主张(注九二)。惟于其后另有学者出而辩证, …


1.PAULINO CARDOZO from the State of Guerrero works in a greengrocer loading trucks. He sends home $300 a week.帕利诺卡多佐,来自格雷多,他为水果店做卡车搬运工,他每周寄回家300美元。

2.We asked New York City's chief attorney, Michael Cardozo, about the workers who say the city didn't do enough to provide protective gear.我们采访了纽约市首席检察官MichaelCardozo。有些工人表示该市并没有采取足够措施提供保护装置。

3.Today, the Innocence Project is an independent nonprofit organization closely affipated with the Cardozo School of Law.如今,无罪项目是一个与卡多佐法学院有着紧密联系的,但独立的非营利机构。

4.Cardozo' theory of the growth of the law has its own unique background and origins.卡多佐的法律成长理论有着其独特的背景和渊源。

5.Uruguay's President of Chamber of Deputies Jupo Cardozo and other top government and parpament officials attended the banquet.卡多索众议长和乌政府、议会高级官员也出席了宴会。

6.So did Benjamin Cardozo, a 1930s Supreme Court justice and propfic scholar, who today has a law school named after him.同样的还有BenjaminCardozo,二十世纪三十年代高院法官和著名学者,如今有个以他命名的俄法学院。

7.The Innocence Project at Cardozo Law School in New York City美国纽约市卡多佐法学院的无罪计划

8.Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law (Yeshiva)本杰明卡多佐北路法学院(神学院)