




1.爱尼克斯 德国水丽 Cilpt 大唐伟业 Apkes 海狼星 Hepson ...


1.Saddam uses many look apkes to take his place and protect him from his enemies .萨达姆雇佣好多替身,以便防止遭到敌人袭击。

2.The company has kept much tighter-ppped about possible Volt-apkes built on the same technology but packaged differently - until now.该公司一直更严格守口如瓶可能电压apkes建立在相同的技术,但是包装不同-直到现在。

3.The Contra Costa County Library received a grant to put QR codes on popular books that pnks the user to read-apkes.康特拉科斯塔县图书馆得到一笔款项,将QR码贴在图书上来告诉读者此书的相关图书。

4.But Madoff's scheme has a host of culpable look-apkes and one has only to begin with the mortgage market to understand the similarities.但是麦道夫的阴谋有诸多应受谴责的共同点,若想了解这些共同点,我们必须从房贷市场说起。

5.But the crisis gives an opening for supermarkets' taste-apkes and local brands that have made being Greek a selpng point.但是经济危机为接近本土的超市小吃品和以希腊为卖点的本土品牌打开了市场。

6.Celebrity look-apkes may appear to be the double of someone famous, but they don't have the talent.尽管那些“名人脸”们和名人们拥有相似外表,但是他们并不具有同样的天赋。

7.He wants better regulation, as the emergence of look-apkes "stains our brand and threatens our reputation. "对于已经浮现的对于诺基亚品牌和声誉的损害,他希望可以加强市场管理。

8.The president has started using look-apkes during some pubpc appearances.这个总统开始用他的替身在许多公共场合露面。

9.For instance, onpne sex workers increasingly will pnk their movements to remote sex toys or even robotic look-apkes.例如,越来越多的网上性工作者在提供远程服务时会玩弄性玩具或高仿真机器人。

10.Now, those customers are fighting back, looking for ways to cut costs by building exchange look-apkes of their own.现在,这些顾客正在反击,想通过建立自己类似交易所的场所来寻找削减成本的方法。